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Ranking Every Minecraft Mob of February 2024 by Julian Nowlin

Image Source: Unsplash

I am ranking every mob in Minecraft.

73. Zombie Horse - They’re only in creative mode! I never even use them when I play.

72. Phantom - Tell me one person who wants these. They won the mob vote, but they’re annoying.

71. Zombie Hoglin - It’s like a normal Hoglin but it’s made worse.

70. Pufferfish - I hate them. They are poisonous and useless. I just throw them away when I catch them.

69. Strider - Why use it to get across lava when you can just use an elytra? They’re also disgusting. 

68. Skeleton Horse - I don’t use them because they are just horses that got struck by lightning.

67. Wandering Trader - Their trades are awful and they’re voices and appearance are much worse than a normal villager.

66. Vex - They’re not just deadly. They are annoying and have a weird design when attacking that I don’t like.

65. Slime - Make a superflat world and they just fill it up. Kill them and they just split. They’re only useful for sticky pistons.

64. Silverfish - Very annoying and at the same time drop nothing.

63. Bee - I don’t use honey and bees are hostile if you accidentally punch them.

62. Husk - An exact copy of the zombie but with bland colors and only spawning in deserts.

61. Ghast - These things just cry and knock players off their bridges and into the lava sea. Their tears are in a crafting recipe but who even crafts End Crystals, anyway?

60. Squid/Glow Squid - I don’t use ink sacs. And all glow squids do is clog up water caves.

59. Rabbit - These are annoying and a terrible source of food. Good luck farming them without Speed X.

58. Bat - Useless and forgotten.

57. Endermite - Just like the bat, they are forgotten. Their one use is an enderman farm, which no one uses.

56. Ocelot - Just doing nothing in a jungle. What a pointless mob.

55. Frog - What are they used for? They just look weird and make an odd sound when hit. 

54. Drowned - They make swimming hard and clog up water caves. And they drop very low durability tridents. 

53. Wither - It kills everything and blows up everything unless in an obsidian box. And I don’t care about beacons, so I don’t want a Nether Star.

52. Witches - The worst Illager by far except the wandering trader. I think that they’re terrible.

51. Hoglin - Annoying and dangerous. They are also a great way to puke when you realize they drop pork chops.

50. Creeper - They are an OG, which gives them a higher spot on this list, but are so so so so so so so so annoying.

49. Wither Skeleton - They are better than normal skeletons because they do melee attacks, but they are annoying when trying to find a blaze spawner.

48. Cave Spider - Spiders but poisonous. Mineshafts are great until you run into a spawner. 

47. Spider - You try to sleep because there are mobs nearby. Guess who’s responsible. Also, I hate how their eyes glow.

46. Skeleton - Building? Exploring? Here comes the skeleton to ruin your life!

45. Shulker - They make end cities hard to loot and make you float for what feels like forever. They make Shulker boxes though, giving them a better rank.

44. Enderman - Annoying in the dragon fight, and they don’t always drop ender pearls.

43. Pillager - Combine a bad costume with bad aim and bad durability and what do you get? A Pillager!

42. Elder Guardian - A discolored fish that causes mining fatigue.

41. Guardian - Just a little better than their elder because they actually have a good design. 

40. Breeze - They are like blazes but worse. Their knockback is annoying, but wind charges are super fun.

39. Zombie Villager - They are just zombies but if cured lower their prices for trades. But for most this cure is too expensive, needing a golden apple and a weakness potion.

38. Fox/Arctic Fox - So cute but SO ANNOYING! They take any item lying around and then run.

37. Goat - Just an animal that walks around. Their horns make calls that you can use, but I don’t like them.

36. Llama - Only good for leather and leads when they are trader llamas. Otherwise, they are useless.

35. Any type of fish except pufferfish - They are a good food source if you live near water. But that’s it.

34. Magma Cube - I like their design but they are just the slimes of the Nether. 

33. Polar Bear - Like a lot of other things on this list, they are cute but useless.

32. Dolphin - They make you swim faster. Also they are very stupid.

31. Horse - I never use them because my base is near water, meaning I use a boat.

30. Donkey - Basically a portable chest that looks cute.

29. Pig - They drop one thing and that’s meat. I mostly just eat chicken anyway, so these are useless to me.

28. Armadillo - They are cute and make dog armor, which my pet wolf needs.

27. Sniffer - They are cute and help you find suspicious sand and gravel, which helps you find diamonds. 

26. Zombie - An easy mob to get and easy XP. They are also on of the only overworld mobs with a good design.

25. Bogged - A cool copy of the skeleton. They look like strays but with poison arrows, which I think is cool.

24. Blaze - They’re Essential for beating the game and they look cool. But a lot of them can make you feel pain.

23. Parrot - A fun pet that you lose instantly.

22. Panda - Another useless but cute mob!

21. Turtle - They are so cute! Turtle eggs are also useful in gold farms.

20. Allay - The good and cute version of a vex.

19. Cow - Delicious meat and useful leather. This easy to farm animal is wonderful.

18. Chicken - They are easy to breed and drop feathers which are used to craft arrows.

17. Warden - A cool mob but way to OP. They can kill with a few hits while you’re decked out in Netherite armor.

16. Ravager - Cool and powerful but no match for an iron golem. If it wanted to be higher, it would need to be more powerful.

15. Snow Golem - A cute snowman that ruins grassy areas and makes snow farms nobody ever uses. I like that you can make snowmen though.

14. Stray - A cool version of the skeleton and are the only things that make tundras good.

13. Axolotl - They are so cute! They do nothing, but I don’t really care.

12. Mule - They are the perfect combination of the horse and donkey, making them awesome.

11. Villager - Great for all kinds of things, including iron farms and mending books. 

10. Dog/Wolf - Just like a cat, but they attack mobs, not scare them. They also get killed a lot.

9. Cat - A great pet that keeps you and your base safe from creepers.

8. Evoker - A cool mob but not the best Illager. They spawn vexes though preventing them from a higher rank.

7. Ender Dragon - Cute and fun to encounter.

6. Iron Golem - Easy iron while starting and the best defense force if you’re not good at fighting. 

5. Sheep - You don’t have to kill them to get their wool. They are also fun to dye different colors for different wool.

4. Piglin - They are good defense against hoglins if they attack you, and they are good for trading. 

3. Piglin Brute - Not an exact copy of the Piglin. They carry golden axes and are fun challenge while looting the Nether.

2. Zombie Piglin - They are friendly and attack all the other annoying Nether mobs. Just don’t damage one, because if you do you’d better run.

1. Vindicator - They are cool and very fun to fight. They are the best Illager for sure.