High Hopes For TSA by Tara Gopalan
Image Source: PFMS
The TSA competitive season has officially started, and we have some high hopes for this year. A fresh wave of students have joined the organization, and hard work has already commenced. Kids are going up to 6 events and beyond, guaranteeing some great competition! In this article, we’ll dive deeper into some new rules being introduced and what that means for our chapter. Let’s dive in!
Last year, a new event called “Vlogging” was added to the roster, and it had a huge impact. The new generation of 7th graders have pounced on the opportunity to participate, nearly filling all of our spots. After our school placed top 3 in Vlogging at the national level last year, our chapter is determined to do even better this year. It’s one of the more time-consuming event options, ensuring that we’ll have a lot on our plate!
Another change was made to our regional competition, allowing students to get feedback on their events for the first time. This has drastically improved our state and national winnings as an organization. As of October 2024, we had 70+ members throughout the grades wanting to participate. Normally, the number decreases greatly after the regional competition. However, receiving feedback from the judges allowed 11 students to pass on to states last year! Seeing the hard work already being put into events, we can expect that number to increase.
Our school has achieved great things, one of which is a place in the national officer team. Margo Wyckoff, a former PFMS student, has been elected as the national reporter! She has already excelled at her job, spreading the word about TSA more effectively than before. A former PFMS student also holds a place on the State officer team: Harper House. She holds the position of state Secretary, and was elected in the 2024 State conference. With her and Margo in charge of their respective duties, this year is sure to be amazing.
To conclude, our chapter will work hard to achieve our goals, learn lessons, and have fun. We are resilient and will use the new changes to make this competition season one of our best ones yet. Thanks for reading, and make sure to support your friends in TSA! You never know what they can go on to achieve.