Park Forest Times

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Once in a Lifetime Event: Stingray Pregnancy at North Carolina's Aquarium and Shark Lab by Team Ecco by Serena Tian

The pregnancy of this stingray was deemed by the aquarium “a once-in-a-lifetime science mystery.”

Something fishy was going on in one North Carolina aquarium’s female stingray who was pregnant with her pups. The problem is: there aren't any male stingrays at the aquarium.

There are two possible culprits of this problem. One is asexual reproduction, the other is a shark had mated with the stingray.

Asexual reproduction, or parthenogenesis, is quite common among the stingrays. Asexual reproduction is when a parent, typically female, copies its DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) and forms its own offspring. Usually this would occur when no other gender of that species is available near them. So, females in aquariums would asexually reproduce if the aquarium decided to have no other males of their species. It’s simply a survival mechanism to keep the species going.

The other answer may involve the two white-spot bamboo sharks that the Aquarium and Shark Lab by Team Ecco moved into her tank in July of 2023. 

The aquarium found out when workers noticed bite marks on Charlotte, a common practice by male sharks attempting to mate. They were afraid cancer had struck on Charlotte, so in order to confirm or deny their suspicions, an ultrasound was conducted. Thankfully the swells were growths in her body that later would be eggs.

Team Ecco told FOX Carolina that “... the most current ultrasound showing two if not three pups. DNA will need to be done after the pups’ birth – unless we have visual cues about a mixed breed.”

Interbreeding of sharks and stingrays are actually possible, as they are taxonomically, or the classification of something similar.

The aquarium has also confirmed that Charlotte is soon to give birth.

Works Cited

“Female stingray's mysterious pregnancy: Male shark could be culprit.” USA Today, 15 February 2024, Accessed 15 February 2024.

“Female stingray's mysterious pregnancy: Male shark could be culprit.” USA Today, 15 February 2024, Accessed 15 February 2024.

“Mystery of Pregnant Stingray Could Be Explained by a Male Shark: Scientists.” Business Insider, 11 February 2024, Accessed 15 February 2024.

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