Birds come in all shapes and sizes, but perhaps some of the most stunning birds are the Birds-of-Paradise. Birds-of-paradise live exclusively in Papua New Guinea, the Indonesian islands, and northeastern Australia, making them hard to find and mysterious. In total, there are 39 different species that each have unique characteristics. Unlike other avians, their plumage is vibrant, large, and seemingly useless. These birds are well known for their strange dances and calls that put on a splendid show, loud enough to be heard by any predator- so why did they evolve to be like this if it has no evolutionary advantage? Well, it turns out that scientists have found the reason, and it’s not what you might expect.
Birds-of-paradise certainly put on a show. Birds like the Superb Bird-of-Paradise use their beauty to put on extravagant shows for females, showcasing their iridescent blue feathers. Nicknamed the “psychedelic smiley face bird”, their routine can be described as beautiful yet haunting. They clear the forest floor until there’s only bare dirt, and then proceed to hop around in a calculated pattern, singing rhythmically. This whole routine is meant to impress female Superb-birds, who are certainly hard to please! Although the females are usually brown and dull in color, they steal the show even more than males, making all the decisions for them and effectively controlling their lives. This is perfect, right? The males impress the females and the population continues. However, the male’s beauty can cause serious problems.
With a bright blue belly, the male can be seen clearly at night and during the day, making it extremely difficult for them to hide from predators. This doesn’t just apply to Superb birds- take the Raggiana Bird of paradise or the Golden Pheasant for example. Their brightly colored plumage and insanely heavy feathers make it difficult to move, fly, or do anything except impress females. This is dangerous for their populations, especially since Birds-of-paradise live in such limited areas of the world. So why do they have these features? Surely, there’s better ways to put on a show. Well, it turns out that there’s no evolutionary reason for these features- they instead evolved because of the females.
If you’ve ever heard of Darwin’s theory of evolution, you know that it attributes new traits in a species to natural selection and mating selection. In natural selection, specific traits are passed on through an animal’s genes by survival of the fittest- whatever heightens their ability to fight stays and all other traits die out. Of course, birds of paradise don’t need to fight each other to survive. However, their dance routines are a form of survival- attracting a mate. So whichever traits the females preferred were passed on, and the birds who weren’t chosen simply died out and couldn’t continue their genes. This theory ties together with mating selection, where everything is up to the females. In the dense jungles where these birds live, there are a few predators, but there is also a lot of food and shelter. Since the danger level is low, females do not need males to protect them, so they can afford to be picky with their mating choices. The choice is now less about strength and more about how much the male impresses the female, which explains why looks are prioritized over safety.
In conclusion, the reason birds of paradise have such vibrant yet impractical plumage is due to generations of picky females and perfect living conditions. Although this may seem silly to us, the male birds still put all their energy into their performances! Birds of paradise are elusive and beautiful creatures from whom we still have a lot to learn. Maybe someday we can learn all their secrets, but until then, they will remain in the forests of Papua New Guinea, singing, flying, and dancing.