Post- Presidential Election School Culture by Max Duverneuil
Recently there has been a lot of controversy regarding our newly elected president. Does it affect how students are living?
On November 14th, 2016, in the outskirts of Washington DC, numerous high school students flooded the streets of different cities in Montgomery County, Silver Spring, Wheaton, Rockville, Kensington and North Kensington, MD. The reason for the protest was because on November 12th, a Silver Spring church had extremely racist writings “Trump Nation Whites Only” spray painted on its walls. Students at Woodrow Wilson High School in DC say they will leave their Northwest school at midday Tuesday, with plans to protest at the new Trump International Hotel a few blocks from the White House.
Students at Montgomery Blair High School streamed onto the school’s football field about 10 a.m. Monday for a walkout that soon turned into a march along University Boulevard. The procession grew larger as it drew students from Northwood and Albert Einstein high schools and headed into Wheaton and downtown Silver Spring. Some students chanted, “Not our president,” and “No hate, no fear, immigrants are welcome here.” Very recently on November 15th 2016, at Penn State University, students also protested because of Donald Trump’s surprising win. At University Park, protesting students gathered in front of Old Main at 12:30 p.m. The first chant was “Not my president.” Students then spoke on Old Main’s steps to a crowd of hundreds of people. The students protested at Old Main for more than 30 minutes before walking to the HUB-Robeson Center to continue their protest. The crowd inside grew to more than 1,000 protesters, singing and chanting.
Hopefully in the coming months hate crime will not increase.