Ancient Egypt....A New Lie? by Melica Kemanian-Leites
What do we really know about Ancient Egypt? Could it all be a lie? New studies show that a famous bust (a type statue, in this case of a head) of Nefertiti, or for us Ancient Egypt lovers you probably know her as “The younger Lady,” Tutankhamun’s mother, and husband of Akhenaten. This famous bust could be a fake.
When Ludwig Borchardt discovered the statue during his expedition, it was particularly well kept and had very little to no cracks, scratches, or paint chips on her face-the most important part of the statue. The bust was also missing part of one of her eyes. They searched the workshop of the so-called maker of the bust, Thutmose, and found no sign of the piece. New studies show that the bust could very well be a fake planted there to be found by Ludwig himself to “make a discovery,” or to be found by someone else entirely. If the bust is proven to be a fake, it wouldn’t be a first; in fact, many ancient artifacts from Egypt have been found to be fakes. So think, what do we really know about ancient Egypt?