Park Forest Times

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"Christmas Story" by Simone Plaisance

Isabella sat on her mound of pillows on Christmas Eve afternoon, thinking about how her mother had refused to buy her the new fluffy pink princess pillow.

“You have too many pillows like these. Do you know who’s wallet it hurts?” Her mother said to her earlier that morning in the store.

“But mommy! It’s different! It’s a different shade of pink and has more fluffiness than the others!” Isabella wailed.

“Sweetie, it’s Christmas. Be grateful for what you have. You know, other kids can’t have great things like this.”

“But mommy, it’s so pretty and pink and fluffy! I need it!”

“No, you do not need it. Besides, every time you want one, I buy it for you, and it ends up under your pile after the first week!”

“I promise that won’t happen this time! I’ll love it forever and ever and sleep with it every night!”

“You know that won’t happen. Come on, I need to pick up toothpaste and then we’ll be done and you can watch that princess show on TV when we get home,” her mom concluded. Isabella sniffled. She wondered why her mom wouldn’t buy her the pillow. It was so pink and soft and pretty! The next thing she knew she was on the ground, her cold tears soaking her cheeks and onto her pink dress, screaming like she was being attacked by someone. Her mother scooped her up, checked out quickly, and carried her out of the store looking very angry.

When they had pulled into the driveway, no one said a word. The silence had quelled Isabella’s kicks and flailing and she no longer had the energy to throw a tantrum.

Her thoughts of the morning were interrupted when her mom called from downstairs.

“Isabella! Get into some nice clothes! We’re going to your friend Sasha’s house for Christmas Eve dinner as soon as your father comes home- and he’s on his way!” Isabella’s face brightened. She had been to Sasha’s small house many times, and was excited to play and eat dinner with her. Isabella couldn’t wait for the stuffing, ham, gravy, cranberry sauce, pudding, and to open presents?! After all, what was the point of Christmas without them?

The family arrived at Sasha’s little doorstep. Isabella’s mom was carrying all of Isabella’s presents that Isabella insisted she open with Sasha.

“Isabella!” Sasha opened to door gleefully.

“Sasha!” Isabella skipped over to her friend.

“Welcome to our humble abode!” Sasha’s mom strode over to the family. “We have some baked chicken ready for y’all when you want it. Isabella, Sasha, go have some fun!” Isabella and Sasha scurried off to open their presents.

“I can’t wait!” Sasha exclaimed as they burst into her room. “I’ve been waiting to open my present till you came!”

“Where are they?” Isabella asked through the pile of presents she was holding.

“Hold on!” Sasha skipped over to her desk. She pulled out a small, neatly wrapped gift and showed it to Isabella. “Here it is!”

“That’s it?” Sasha nodded. “Really? But where are the others?” Sasha looked confused.

“What others?”

“The other presents! Surely this is not it!”

“But this is my present.”

Isabella gave up on questions. “Let’s open them.” She said finally. Sasha opened hers to reveal a chocolate bar.

“Yesss! Just what I wanted!” She announced joyfully, “Let’s split it!” They both ate their half of chocolate happily. They had finished tearing through Isabella’s presents when Isabella’s mom poked her head in.

“Isabella, we’re leaving in fifteen minutes,” She said. Isabella looked at Sasha and her piles of toys.

“Sasha, I want you to have some of my stuff.” Isabella looked at the way Sasha smiled.

“Really? Thanks!” Sasha beamed. Sasha took her pick of Isabella’s pretty princess toys.

“Time to go,” Isabella’s mom said. While they went home, Isabella thought  about the way Sasha looked at her.

The next morning, her parents had a surprise for her. As she unwrapped the present, Isabella revealed the pink princess pillow.

“Just what you wanted!” Her mother said.

“Thanks mom, but I don’t really need it.”