Bottle of the Ocean #7 by Abby Hulek and Maggie Yang
Previously on Bottle Of The Ocean #6: Alaina’s arm has been chopped off, and Kayla and Alaina need to escape.
I shuffled under the bed and waited as Alaina pretended to wake up. I heard footsteps heading toward the room.
“Get up, Ashes! NOW!” He kicked her in the chest with his foot. She struggled to stand up. She lowered her head.
“You have waste duty for a month. Longer, if the Order of Horror can’t start it by then. I see you have hopefully learned your lesson.” He stared intently at the wrapped bandage on Alaina’s arm. “Take that off.”
“Huh?” Alaina asked. I sucked in my breath.
“Take it OFF!” He reached for Alaina’s bandage, but she pulled away.
“Oh, Ashes. You don’t want to lose your other arm, now do you?” He smirked.
“Well, how would I do your dirty work if you did so?” Alaina asked. The retort caught the man by surprise.
“Oh, wow. You really ARE going to get it.” He slapped her across her face, leaving a handprint on her cheek. She almost passed out, but kept her ground. She glared into his eyes.
“Come. NOW.” He grabbed her bad arm and ripped the bandage off. The wound opened and blood started to drip to the floor. Tears welled in her brave eyes.
“That’s better. Now who’s your friend?” Panic flashed onto Alaina’s face. It felt like the world started spinning.
“Uh, friend, sir? What do you mean?”
“That girl under your bed.” He pointed straight at me. “OUT.” I froze in terror. He briskly walked to me. Alaina had frozen just like I had.
“Nice that you could join us.” He smirked and ripped me from under the bed by my arm.
“Uh… Hi.” I smiled a fake smile. He slapped me too, and pain circuited up to my cheek. Pain burned and I lost balance. I felt as though the world had tipped to the right at that very moment after spinning in thirty rapid circles. Tears welled in my eyes and I tried to be brave like Alaina. However, I had never felt such agonizing pain. His hand was strong.
He shoved me to Alaina and I collapsed in her arms. She hugged me tightly. Regret filled my head.
“I’m sorry! I shouldn’t have-” I started to cry to Alaina.
“Shut up.” She squeezed me tighter. “Now.”
“Now girls, you better cooperate. Otherwise, you can face the same death as your parents.” I grew extremely emotional and worry blocked my senses to think.
“Let him do it.” She whispered. The man grabbed thick bands from his pocket and wrapped them around our wrists.
“What is this?” I asked Alaina, but I figured out the answer faster than I could have said Ow! The band shocked me- Hard. The man had a remote in his hands.
“If we make it there, It’s all good. If not, well you’ll find out.” He pointed to a big red button.
“Stand still.” He stuck a rope through our bands and attached it to his wrist.
“Walk.” He ordered.
“Who is he?” I whispered to Alaina.
“Diabolos. Walk and don’t talk. Please.” She kept her head up as she walked, just moving her mouth. She walked forward with perfect posture. I wanted to follow her example, but every muscle in my body burned and ached. I slumped as I walked, leaning side to side as I lost balance.
“Head up.” Diabolos ordered.
“What?” I asked, confusion clouding my common sense.
“HEAD UP!” He punched me right in the cheek, surely leaving a bruise. Every inch of my body felt as though it had caught on fire and immediately I collapsed. My body smacked right into the hard concrete and the air flew out of me. I was vaguely aware of him standing over me, doing his typical smirk. That stupid jerk. My lungs felt like gasoline had filled them to the top and my ribs ached.
“Get up.” Diabolos ordered.
“Get up!” Alaina urged as she rushed over to help. Diabolos held out his hand to stop her.
“Go.” He nudged me with his toe and I struggled to stand up. Alaina rushed forward to give me support. “We must hurry. No arriving late.” He sped up and we struggled along behind him.
“Alaina?” I whispered. “Where are we going?”
“Don’t! Please!” Alaina pleaded, her eyes filled with worry as she glanced at Diabolos.
All of a sudden I felt a sharp jolt pierce through my body.
“ARGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!” I fell down to the ground in a split second. Boom! I heard a thud and then I saw the pitch black coat my eyes. Fear clawed at my throat and my body sank out of my control.