Park Forest Times

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Skibbidy Grimace Backstory by Sean Fulmer

Image Source: Skibidi Toilet Wiki Fandom

The alarm goes off. 

Beep! Beep! 

“Attention all Ohio citizens! Please check your toilets for  Skibbidys!” 

Everyone in Ohio checked their toilets. 

Gasp!  “Oh no! There's a Grimace Shake in my toilet! 

Everyone knew what that meant…

Skiibiddies!!! They are coming!!

Skibbidiies just love the purple goodness of a Grimace Shake. They are attracted to it like flies…they were coming for it no matter what. 

And then all the Skibbidys came out! 

Skibbidies are demonic human heads without bodies. They live in toilets and only come out when someone pours a Grimace Shake in the toilet bowl. 

They destroyed Ohio and Baltimore by singing a song. 

Skibidi dop dop yes yes…they sang their iconic song.

After that, everyone's cameras had a Grimace Shake and they morphed into camera men… the Skibbidy Toilets’ arch enemy!

 Oh no! Ohio is gone because of the boss Grimace named Grimace Prime Lemonade Sigma Male Alpha Biggest Bird Skibbidy Toilets.

To be continued in Ohio…