Who I Am (Poem) by Maryam Alharrasi   

Who I Am

I am a smart person because I am good at math class,

And I am a kind human because I help everyone. 

I am a strong person because I hate the word “bully,”

And I am so humble because I love to make everyone happy. 

I am an aspiring person because I work to be a scientist,

And I’m so perfect because no one is better than me.

I am an adventurous girl because I have fun in my life,

And finally, I hope you get luck in your life.  



Shiny Gems Poem by Aidan Murphy

Shiny Gems Poem

The gems are so shiny

Bling bling they go

However they are so tiny

And they belong to the popo

As I run away with the loot

I stop and think to myself

When will the cops pursuit

And how will it look on my shelf

I go faster, faster

Until I give out

I am no longer the master

And I will be arrested no doubt

"Cute Napper" by Carolyn Frank

Cute Napper

By Carolyn Frank 

Fluffy and happy,

Joyful and fun,

Tends to be nappy,

My number one,

Have you guessed yet?

This clue will hit the homerun,

Super duper cute,

Life has just begun,

Energy is key, 

When Puppies are having fun.

Image Source: Unsplash