Park Forest Times

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16 Things You Thought Were True! By Emma Neely

#16thingsithoughtweretrue is about a girl named Morgan and she is fatherless. Her mother and father were divorced before she was born and she has two older twin brothers. Life was just fine for her until her mother had a heart attack. She figures she doesn’t have much time left and she wants to meet her dad. So she asks her mom about him, but she won’t tell her anything… except his name and where he lives: Bob White and Canada. She goes on a road trip to find him and ends up finding more than him . . . she finds herself.

I really enjoyed this book. The best part was when she finds her dad but he isn’t who she thinks he is. The plot line moved quickly, but there was a lot of detail. When you finish the book, you will have some questions about what happens to the characters in the story. And I warn you: there are some sad parts in it.