Park Forest Times

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Samsung vs. Apple by Rikin Mainali

Samsung or Apple? This question has been argued since the very first smartphone was released, and often has lots of bias. In recent news, Samsung has released their new Samsung Fold which will go down as the first ever foldable phone in history. So, after something that game-changing was created under Samsung, we now wait to see Apple's next move.

This isn’t uncommon for Apple, to be behind Samsung in creating new tech. This was the case for putting bigger screens on their phones, wireless charging, a stylus, and the use of dual camera stabilization. Also, the specs regarding the recent Samsung and Apple smartphones are mostly in Samsung’s favor, and yet we are paying for more with Apple. So, how easily fooled are we? Will we be fooled by a 100 dollar price difference for a less powerful phone? And if we are only buying iPhones because our friends are, then we are doing it wrong, because Samsung has sold more phones in total than iPhones have.

In the end, most people will just go and continue buying iPhones, without thinking, but I strongly encourage you to think before you go out and invest over $600 on a new portable computer.