Drama Club Presents "Legally Blond" by Hiromi Fong and Rachel Turner

Drama club is the Sigma Alpha Male of art, filled with dancing, singing and acting. 

The current show in Park Forest Middle School is  Legally Blonde jr., is based on an award-winning Broadway musical and a hit motion picture. Legally Blonde the Musical Jr. is a journey through self-empowerment. The show has a lot of recognizable songs filled with humor and sass. 

Elle Woods is the main character throughout the musical; she goes to tackle her dreams until Warner dumps her and claims she's not serious and leaves for Harvard. Elle decides to try to get him back and uses a crafty show dance for her personal essay, using her charm to get her way into law school.  This leads to her befriending classmate Emmett, hair stylist Paulette, and Vivane on her way to finding love. And soon she realizes that law might be the thing she never knew she was missing.

Come see the show at the PFMS Auditorium April 19, 20, & 21.   Tickets are $10 and can be purchased online or at the door.   We hope to see you at the show!  

Work Cited

Martin, Jennifer. “Legally Blonde The Musical JR.” Music Theatre International, 13 September 2012, https://www.mtishows.com/legally-blonde-the-musical-jr. Accessed 12 April 2024.

Image Source: Unsplash

Random Thoughts by Tara Gopalan

Human brains are meant to think, and we can often use them to be productive. However, sometimes your brain just decides to think of random, kinda silly stuff. When that happens, you can go on a walk, talk to someone about it, or write a purposeless article for your middle school newspaper. I chose the latter, so here’s a bunch of random thoughts you may or may not have thought about before! 

Bananas are so weird.  Apples are hard, oranges have pulp, watermelon is spongy, but bananas have the same consistency as literal ICE CREAM. To make them even more weird, they are in a perpetual identity crisis. Bananas are technically a fruit, but they are classified as a berry! Despite how interesting they are, bananas are a good substitute for ice cream and they make you feel healthy while eating other junk food, so I can overlook their differences. 

Rolly pollies are basically tiny dogs. Just think about it: They’re small, they walk funny, and they curl into a “C” shape on the ground when you pet them (which I know for reasons I won’t say). Doesn’t your dog do that too? You pet their stomach and they collapse onto the ground in a “C” shape. When they are puppies they walk funny and run into things. They’re small (excluding Great Danes and a bunch of other breeds). I know it sounds weird, but I’m just saying: If your parents won’t let you have a dog, just adopt a rolly polly.

Time is a figment of human imagination. When the first few humans evolved and came out of caves they weren’t like, “Oh, my, It’s 6:00! Time for my business meeting!” We came up with time to help us organize our lives. We set our own deadlines. Keeping that in mind, we can technically say that time doesn’t exist. So…. don’t do your homework, kids! (Just kidding, you need to do it.) But my point still stands! 

That’s all for now! Don’t tell me you haven’t gotten these thoughts at 3 am before. You haven’t? Oh, well, I guess it’s just me. The lesson of this extremely educational article is that you should embrace your weird thoughts because they can be used to write articles for your school newspaper. 

Image Source: Shutterstock

Why Skibidi Toilet Is The Greatest Piece Of Media From Our Generation by Aidan Murphy

For starters, the lore is unmatched. Throughout all of the seventy something episodes there are, it never fails to peak my interest. From secret photos, to even things hidden in plain sight.

Next, there are many funny moments. I always enjoy watching heads pop out of the toilets unexpectedly. It’s hilarious.

Finally, it’s deep. From the sad, to thought provoking scenes, there will always be something to keep you wondering.

So, in conclusion, Skibidi Toilet is the greatest piece of media from our generation because of its lore, funny moments and intriguing story.

Not familiar with Skibidi Toilet? Check out this intro from Lifehacker…

YouTube’s hottest videos are “Skibidi Toilet,” a series of surreal animated shorts in which creepy heads with terrifying, rictus-grin face emerge from toilets. Animated with the Source Engine used in the Half-Life video games, Skibidi Toilet is the brainchild of YouTuber DaFuqBoom. The first Skibidi Toilet episode is a clip of a menacing looking head in a toilet “dancing” and singing the Turkish song “tummy dancer” by Yasin Cengiz.

Source: https://lifehacker.com/the-out-of-touch-adults-guide-to-kid-culture-what-is-s-1850662263

Ranking Door Types by Edward Chote

7. Screen doors. They break to easy and they are very flimsy 

6. Stall doors. The locks on the doors don't actually work

5. Barn doors. They aren't even flush with the wall and slide too easily.

4. Glass door . They are too easy to walk into.

3. Two open door. They are just neat

2. French doors. They are very fancy. 🧐

1. Revolving door. It's the playhouse of doors

Halloween Costume and Decoration Ideas by Cooper Leitzell & Nakula Balachandran

If you are looking for Halloween costumes or good decorations, but you're stuck… Here are the top five Halloween costumes and decorations according to categories. 

1. Scary Costumes for a Scary Halloween

  • Demogorgon from Stranger Things

  • Pennywise from IT

  • Michael Myers

  • Werewolf 

  • Ghost Face Scream Costume

2. Funny Costumes for a Funny Halloween

  • Mario and Luigi

  • Chicken

  • Inflatable Alien

  • Mac'n'Cheese

  • Frog                 

3. Scary Decorations for a Scary Halloween

  • Giant spider web

  • Zombie coming out of the ground

  • Enter if you dare sign

  • Bloody handprints

  • Mummy hanging from ceiling 

4. Funny Halloween Decorations for a funny Halloween

  • Witch hugging a tree

  • Pacman inflatable pumpkin

  • Skeleton being buried

  • Funny grave sign

  • Ghost saying “BOO”

Image Source: Unsplash