Park Forest Times

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Birds: There’s Still Time to Save Them by Emily Gilbert

Image Source: Unsplash

You may think that birds aren’t endangered or are even being harmed. But the truth is that bird species are declining faster and faster. 

Birds are being harmed by people and nature. For example, light pollution harms birds during migration, especially the species that migrate at night. Light pollution makes it harder for birds to migrate because it blocks out the stars that birds need to navigate at night. 

Another example is window strikes; if a bird hits your window and flies away and seems fine you're wrong. Most birds die after hitting a window. You may think if one bird dies it’s no big deal, but this study shows that the bird population has decreased by 2.9 billion in the past fifty years in the USA. 

But what can we do? There are many things you can do to help. Some things you can do are: use decor on windows that birds can see, like window clings. You can also put up bird feeders and bird houses. You can place plants that look like a habitat away from windows. And remember, there's still time to save the birds.