The Problem With The Soyuz Capsule by Kale Cunningham

On December 13, 2022 just before a 7 hour spacewalk on the ISS, camera recordings captured something terrifying. Russia’s loyal Soyuz spacecraft was leaking something out into space. NASA delayed the spacewalk until further notice to investigate what was coming out of Soyuz. 

The Soyuz Spacecraft

Soyuz is the longest operating manned spacecraft, its first manned flight was in 1967. It can carry up to three people and has a life system that can keep a crew alive for two months. Sadly also in its history it has also failed 4 times and in those failures 2 of them claimed a total of 4 lives. The other 2 times Soyuz has failed, its high tech system saved itself and the crew. It is Russia’s one and only spacecraft that can take people into space. So as you can imagine, right now it's a little spooked. 

The Spacecraft

Soyuz is an expendable spacecraft meaning unlike reusable spacecraft like the Space Shuttle or Orion capsule it can only be used once. Everytime it safely returns a crew to Earth Russia has to make a new one. This Soyuz space capsule that is leaking out fluids is named Soyuz MS-23. It launched a group of three astronauts from Kazakhstan (Russia doesn’t launch their rockets in their country.) In September of 2022, they were supposed to return this March but now that there's clearly something wrong with it. They will have to wait for another Soyuz space capsule to come up to the space station. But they won’t have to wait long, a rescue craft is already planned and should launch to the ISS next month. 

What it's leaking 

NASA came to a conclusion after surveying it. The spacecraft is leaking out Coolant or what keeps the heat down in the spacecraft. Which is a problem, when the crew returns to Earth, then temperatures would rise above 100 degrees! So the spacecraft is now off limits for the crew onboard. 

For now the crew will just have hang tight           

Image Source:

An Apollo 8 Christmas Story by Kale Cunningham 

This is a story about three men that risked their lives going onto a dangerous rocket and doing something that had never been done before: Have men orbit the moon. 

The story starts here in 1968.

NASA’s Apollo program of landing a man on the moon was looking more doubtful than ever. The Soviets were still winning the space race. And ever since a horrible fire killed 3 astronauts: Gus Grissom, Ed White, and Roger Chaffee in a pre-launch test nearly two years ago, things were looking dark. The Soviet Union however also faced a tragedy 3 months later. The Soyuz 1 mission carried a cosmonaut named 

Vladimir Komarov. Shortly after launch Komarov faced many problems with the spacecraft and had to call his mission short on his 17th orbit. But the parachute system failed and poor Komarov was killed. 

Apollo 7 VS Zond  

Apollo 7 was the first crewed mission of the Apollo program. The great Wally Schirra who had been the 5th American man in space and part in the first space rendezvous on Gemini 6 was the commander. The rookies Donn Eisele and Walter Cunningham hitched a ride. The spacecraft was launched into low Earth orbit on the Saturn IB and orbited the Earth for 11 days. It was a test of the Command and Service module (CSM) which would help the crew get into the moon's orbit and back to Earth. And even though Schirra and the others caught a cold and did some talk back to mission control, they flew a perfect mission. Now that the CSM was tested many people thought of testing the Lunar Module (LM) which would land humans on the moon in low Earth orbit. Then Apollo 9 would test a landing in high Earth orbit and Apollo 10 would land humans on the moon. 

But this plan was shattered when the Soviet Union launched an uncrewed mission called Zond 4 high up into space almost to the moon. Even though it burnt up reentering Earth's atmosphere it was still successful. Zond 5 was launched to the moon just months later with plants and two Tortoises onboard. Reentry did not go very well but the spacecraft landed in the Indian Ocean, with everything surviving. The Soviets planned for a manned mission next. But NASA didn’t want that to happen. 

The Switch

The LM was clearly behind schedule and would not be ready until February of 1969 to test in low Earth orbit. And that would not be enough to beat the Soviets; they could land on the moon by the Spring! So NASA made a daring move and they said “Okay we don’t have a lander, but we do have an orbiter. Let's put three guys on there and send them to the moon and return them safely to Earth.” 

Apollo 8 would go to the moon and Apollo 9 would test the LM in low Earth orbit. The crew from Apollo 8 were not happy about leaving their families, especially because Apollo 8 was due for launch around Christmas time. 

The Apollo 8 crew had three people on the mission. These people were: Gemini 7 astronaut Frank Borman, Gemini 7 and 12 astronauts Jim Lovell, and rookie Willam (Bill) Anders. 

The Wild Ride

The training was hard for the Apollo 8 crew; they only had 15 weeks to prepare for the moon. The crew spent hours in a mockup of the CSM. 

And yet they were under-prepared when the launch came on December 21st, 1968. 

The tallest rocket in the World, the Saturn V stood ready for launch, the rocket was loaded with explosive fuel and no one could help thinking about what may go wrong. Apollo 7 had flown on a Saturn 1B which was only a fourth the size of the mighty Saturn V. The crew rode an elevator to the top of the rocket and climbed into the CSM. The pad leader and others closed the hatch and quickly got away from the rocket. The astronauts waited for over 2 hours in the cramped capsule. The crew hoped that this rocket would not blow up. However, the hope was all on one button that if anything went wrong they could go to. The Launch Escape Tower (LET) would be able to carry the astronauts away from the rocket and safely land in the ocean. As the clock counted down.. 10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1..0...

The Saturn V engines roared out, sending sound waves throughout the Area. The building at mission control shook. 

Many people worried about the crew inside the mighty rocket, Apollo 6 an unmanned rocket test shook so much that the crew could have been killed. 

The Apollo 8 astronauts had an improvement but still shook violently, Anders later recalled that they were being whipped around like “A rat in the jaws of a big terrier.”

The ride got smoother as soon as the first stage burnt out and the second stage fired up. But the trio didn’t expect the sudden cut-off of the second stage and almost slammed their heads into the instrument panel! 

To The Moon!

The astronauts were in low Earth orbit which was a great accomplishment, this had been how far the Apollo 7 astronauts were on their whole mission. The flight plan called for two or three orbits around Earth for a check of the spacecraft before it went to the moon.  1 Hour and 28 Minutes later the third stage turned on and Borman, Lovell, and Anders began the 3 day trip to the moon. 


After a pleasant 3 day's journey through nothing, the astronauts were racing to the moon at 24,200 miles per hour. 

The orbit was a very important part of the mission, the plan was to orbit 10 times around the moon and then return to Earth. But it needed to be at the right speed, too slow and you crash, too fast, and fly out into space forever. But to make things even more nerve-racking the astronauts had to do it behind the moon and wouldn't have mission control to help them. The orbital insertion would take place behind the moon where no signals could reach it. 

As Apollo 8 traveled behind the moon, everyone at NASA crossed their fingers that everything would go right. 

A few minutes later mission control sent out a test call to Apollo 8. 

“Apollo 8, Houston over.” 

This went on for a while, and of course, if they heard nothing then that would have meant they were nothing but ash on the moon. 

But luckily they heard the voice of Frank Borman copying them. Then the Apollo 8 astronauts got ready to speak to the world. 

A Special Message

1968 had been a very hard year for the people of Earth. 

In April civil rights activist Martin Luther King Jr. was shot and killed, in June, Bobby Kennedy was gunned down, France had trouble with its Economy, and Czechoslovakia, a Soviet Union ally, had been crushed when it wanted freedom from the Soviets. And not to say thousands of people were dying in the Vietnam War. 

The people of Earth needed hope and that's what the astronauts wanted to give. 

Frank Borman had decided to send a message to Earth from the book of Genesis because it didn’t focus on one religion.

Anders began, "For all the people on Earth the crew of Apollo 8 has a message we would like to send you". 

"In the beginning, God created heaven and the earth. And the earth was without form and void, and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. And God said, Let there be light: and there was light. And God saw the light, that it was good: and God divided the light from the darkness."  

Then Lovell took over.

"And God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And the evening and the morning were the first days. And God said, Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it divide the waters from the waters. And God made the firmament, and divided the waters which were under the firmament from the waters which were above the firmament: and it was so. And God called the firmament Heaven. And the evening and the morning were the second day." 

Frank Borman then read. 

"And God said, Let the waters under the heavens be gathered together unto one place, and let the dry land appear: and it was so. And God called the dry land Earth; and the gathering together of the waters called the Seas: and God saw that it was good." 

Borman then added, "And from the crew of Apollo 8, we close with good night, good luck, a Merry Christmas, and God bless all of you - all of you on the good Earth." 


The astronauts were mapping out the surface, with them they had a black and white camera and a full-color camera. It didn’t really matter though because the moon was black and white anyway. 

As Borman turned the CSM to get a better view, Anders caught sight of Earth. “Oh my god,” he said, grabbing the full-color camera. 

“Hey don’t take that, it's not scheduled” Borman teased. 

Lovell was shocked at what he saw, he later called it “A grand oasis in the big vastness of space.” 

A few orbits later the CSM fried up and sent the astronauts home. 


The crew splashed down in the pacific ocean on 27 December 1968. 

After that two of the astronauts retired: Anders and Borman never flew again. 

Lovell would command one more mission: Apollo 13 (Which is another story)

Apollo 9 flew just 8 weeks later in low Earth orbit. 

Apollo 8 truly was a Christmas gift in the space race and is believed to be why we beat the Soviets to the moon.  

It is considered one of the most successful missions ever in the history of space flight.  

Merry Christmas to all. 

Image Source: NASA

Rating the Seasons of the Year by Stephenie Wang

I will be rating the seasons from best to worst.

Image Source:


The best season of the year, in my opinion, is fall. I think the best season is fall because I like the whole feel and aesthetic of the colors, the weather, and the holidays that are in fall. I think that fall is a cozy and comfortable season for hanging out with friends and family. I also like seeing the leaves fall off of trees while drinking a hot beverage or reading outside.


 The second best season in my opinion is winter because I like the cold and I also like the feel and the holidays in winter. I like playing in the snow and doing snowball fights with family or friends. I also like to celebrate Christmas and bake cookies with my family, watch Christmas movies, and presents from family and friends.


 The third best season is spring because I also like the weather and the aesthetic of spring. I also like it because my birthday is in spring. I feel like spring is underrated for a lot of people. I think spring should get more popularity and recognition from others.


The least best is summer because I hate hot temperatures! Also I hate the mosquitos that bite you every second. The only thing that I like about summer is summer break and that’s it. Ice Cream melts so easily, THAT’S DEPRESSING! I also hate the sunlight because it blinds my eyes! (Don’t call me a vampire ok?)


Anyways this is my opinion of the seasons, If you like it great! If you don't, that's fine! All of this is my opinion. Thank you for reading!

LOFTID Successfully Completes Mission by Kale Cunningham

NASA’s Low-Earth Orbit Flight Test of an Inflatable Decelerator (LOFTID) just completed its first successful flight in space. The inflatable heat shield launched with the JPSS-2 satellite on November, 10, 2022 at 4:49 am on an Atlas V rocket. LOFTID hitched a ride on the second stage of the rocket and once the JPSS-2 satellite was set free from the rocket, the second stage deorbited and sent the technology destination on its way. 

The biggest concern with the technology team at NASA, was that the heat shield would fail to inflate. But fortunately the deployment went well and it re entered Earth's atmosphere and splashed in the ocean near Hawaii just 2 hours after its launch. It dropped a data recorder in the ocean nearly a mile away from where it landed. When it landed the 13 foot heat shield  opened a parachute before landing at around 15 miles per hour. 

NASA already had a recovery team waiting out in a boat when it splashed down. The team recovered the spacecraft within minutes of splash down and are now currently on their way home.

LOFTID will help land bigger and heavier spacecraft on Mars and over places. The United Launch Alliance (ULA) also wants to work with NASA to use LOFTID technology on their planned reusable Vulcan rockets.

 NASA says the mission was a complete success and even performed  better than expected. 

This is one of the most critical technologies that we're establishing right now with this mission, and also with that first successful orbital flight and recovery," Jim Reuter, NASA's associate administrator for the space technology mission directorate, said. 

Image Source: NASA

The Electric Mission Of Apollo 12 Part 2 by Kale Cunningham 

Apollo 12 was in bad shape, the mission was supposed to be the second moon landing. But it seemed now that the astronauts would have to abort the mission. 

The data was messy, nothing made sense. Mission controllers couldn’t do anything that helpful, if you have no control then what good does that do? 

But in the back John Aaron, a flight controller who specialized in the Apollo spacecraft's electrical systems, knew of a switch that could possibly help. The SEC switch was basically a reboot system. It could reboot the whole Apollo spacecraft computer system, the problem about SCE was it was barely ever used and mostly forgotten. The Apollo space capsule had around 350 different switches. And normally only half of these were used in a mission. 

“Flight, EECOM, try SCE to aux.” -Aaron suggested 

 Flight director Gerald Griffin answered him puzzled 

“Say again, SEC to off?”  

“Auxiliary flight.” - Aaron repeated 

Griffin had no idea what it meant but at least it was something so  radioed it to the Capcom. (Astronaut communicator)

The Capcom had no idea what it was, but he told Conrad up in the rogue ship. 

But Conrad just scowled and said, “FCE to aux? What the hell is that!?”

“SEC.” the Capcom corrected. 

Pete Conrad and Dick Gordon the experienced astronauts had no idea where to start looking for the switch, but Alan Bean, the rookie onboard, did. The switch was above his arm. He quickly flicked it and just as soon as it started, everything went back to normal. 

The data returned to normal.

“It looks… Everything looks good.” Bean reported calmly.

Indeed it had, the lights and alarms that were going crazy just seconds before were now normal.

After that Apollo 12 would get into Earth orbit, and go on to land on the moon. Conrad and Bean would step foot on the moon for a total of 8 hours (Gordon stayed in orbit around the moon.) 

And an investigation of the incident would show what had happened. 

The rocket had been struck by lightning twice, when the rocket launched lightning had found its way towards the big lightning rod. 

And in the future NASA would not launch a rocket when storms are near.

But Alan Bean did however have problems on Apollo 12 even though he saved the mission.

When the mission splashed down in the ocean a camera fell on his head and gave him a concussion. But this did not stop Bean from flying into space again, on the mission Skylab 3 on America's first space station.

But, he would never forget his first mission that was struck by lightning.                        




The Electric Mission Of Apollo 12 Part 1 by Kale Cunningham

It was a stormy day in Cape Cravel Florida on November 14, 1969. It was however warm and a fresh breeze of the Atlantic was floating in the air.

And Kennedy Space Center at the mighty Saturn V, stood high and proud and on the top in a small capsule astronauts, Pete Conrad, Richard Gordon, and Alan Bean. The three astronauts were a part of the Apollo 12 mission or NASA’s second crack at a moon landing. Apollo 11 had landed around 4 months ago, you know the historical flight that Neil Armstorng, Buzz Aldrin, and Michael Collins flew on the amazing mission. And now today it was Conrad's opportunity to be in the spotlight. 

The Commander had flown twice into space and was not going to let some bad weather get in the way of his goal. 

Richard Gordon would remain in orbit around the moon while Conard and Bean landed on the moon. Gordon was well known for his 2 hour space walk on Gemini 11. 

Bean was the rookie of the mission, it would be his first time going into space. But he was a good military pilot and a nice member of the crew. 

But it would seem that the moon mission would have to wait, the bad weather was really slowing things down. And it was putting everyone in a bad mood. And NASA really needed to get the rocket to the moon especially because the president himself Richard Nixon was one of the thousands of people gathering around to see the launch. 

But what seemed like luck at the time, there was a break in the bad weather and NASA grabbed the chance. At 11:22 a.m. the rocket lit its engines and lifted off the ground. 

“This baby is really going! - Conrad yelled over the roar of the rocket 

“Man, is it ever!” - Gordon agreed 

But what no one knew was as soon as the rocket launched it became something else. The storms that had been around the area were thunderstorms. And even though the closest storm was over 20 miles away. The metal on the football field sized rocket, made electricity  come towards it. The rocket was now the world's biggest lighting rod. And it only took seconds and suddenly a large bang shook the rocket. 

“What the hell was that?”  Gordon screamed 

Then to all of the astronaut’s horror, the control panel which was showing normal data seconds before, went wild. 

“Okay, we lost the platform, gang, I don’t know what happened here; we have everything in the world drop out.” - Conrad radio back to the ground. And yes indeed they had. Almost Everything going crazy 

data with nothing but a mix of numbers, letters, and symbols poured in from the rocket. And it seemed so bad that some people in mission control thought that Conard would have to abort the mission…. 

New Way To Land On Mars? by Kale Cunningham

Landing on Mars is no easy job, just getting a spacecraft down on the surface costs millions of dollars. For space agencies like NASA who have landed on the surface of Mars successfully nine times.  However,  that has involved using parachutes, airbags, jet packs, and costy engines. The landing system which NASA calls EDL (Entry, Descent and Landing), can cost up to 300 million dollars on its own! Which is almost the cost it takes to build a rocket to get there in the first place! And with more missions coming up in Mars exploration, NASA needs a cheaper way to land on the surface Mars and other objects.

And one way to do that, how about crashing into it?

Rather than slow a spacecraft’s high-speed descent, use a shock absorbed shield on the spacecraft. Like the crumple zone of a car and absorbs the energy of a hard impact. So meet SHIELD (Simplified High Impact Energy Landing Device), a mission test at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL.) 

Image Source: NASA

“We think we could go to more treacherous areas, where we wouldn’t want to risk trying to place a billion-dollar rover with our current landing systems,” said SHIELD’s project manager, Lou Giersch “Maybe we could even land several of these at different difficult-to-access locations to build a network.” 

Could it be possible? The SHIELD team created a prototype and on August 12, 2022 they dropped it 90 feet to the ground with a cell phone attracted. The probe impacted the ground at 110 mile per hour, but the shield completely absorbed the impact. And the shield wasn’t hitting any normal ground at 110 miles per hour it hit pure steel. 

And the cell phone didn’t have a single crack on it! 

The idea may sound crazy, but it has been done before. 

In the 1970s and 1980s when the Soviet Union landed probes on Venus, when they detached the parachutes. The shock shield would absorb the ground in final seconds on the landing. And NASA uses shock absorber shields on some manned spacecraft before they splashdown in the ocean around 18 miles per hour. 

So here's what a mission would look like using SHIELD: a probe would have a heat shield protecting it from the heat of the atmosphere as it entered it. After that it would deploy a small parachute that would slow it down from 1,000 miles per hour down to 100 miles per hour. And then after a couple of minutes it would cut the parachute and hopefully make a hard landing on the surface. 

A test flight could be made sometime in the late 2020s and could start becoming popular in the 2030s.   

To Watch a Video of the success click here!

NASA Ready For New Technology Demonstration For Future by Kale Cunningham

NASA is getting ready to launch the JPSS-2 satellite, or Joint Polar Satellite System-2. Scheduled to lift off on November 1st (Please note that the launch could change.)

However the JPSS-2 satellite is not the main goal for the mission, hitchhiking on board the LOFTID 

(Low-Earth Orbit Flight Test of an Inflatable Decelerator) 

LOFTID is an inflatable heat shield, which has a main goal of proving itself for future missions to Mars and other worlds. 

Heat shields are needed to help spacecraft from burning up in the atmospheres of planets, a spacecraft travels so fast to get to another planet and when they reach there, a spacecraft going so fast is going to create friction, which gets so hot it will be able to melt steel. All of the times NASA or other space agencies have landed on other planets, they have used metal heat shields that have protected them. But now with bigger and heavier spacecraft coming up like the Mars sample return mission and manned missions to other planets, metal heat shields will just be too heavy and expensive to use. 

So NASA decided to come up with a cheaper way, which was LOFTID. 

Before it inflates it is the size of a person, and when LOFTID does inflate it stretches over 20 feet, and it can inflate minutes before a planned landing, instead of just being dead weight. 

LOFTID is made of the same material of metal heat shields, and to get rid of heat, it has small holes that slowly let heat go past it. 

The planned mission is for it to launch and enter Earth's atmosphere, survive and parachute in the Pacific ocean. 

Hopefully this will be successful and show that the inflatable heat shield could help the first people to land on Mars, and beyond. 

Watch an animation of LOFTID’s deployment!

To watch the live event on November 1st 

(Please note that it could change)

Click here!

20 Years Of The Atlas V: America’s Most Hard Working Rocket by Kale Cunningham

The Atlas 5 or Atlas V rocket is one of America’s most hardest working rockets, alongside the Space Shuttle, Delta ll, Falcon 9, and the legendary Saturn V. 

The Atlas V was first supposed to be a low budget, but useful rocket for Network services. The first launch launched a basic communication satellite into low Earth orbit. The second launch successfully got the first satellite by the country Greece. And by the time the third launch rolled the rocket had grabbed the attention of the US military, who was having trouble sharing rockets with NASA saw this as a better option then playing tug of war over the Delta ll rocket. 

In 2004 NASA asked the developers  Lockheed Martin and ULA (United Launch Alliance) with the Atlas's biggest challenge yet. 

NASA was building a probe that would fly past the dwarf planet Pluto, and they needed someone to launch the human sized spacecraft around 3.2 billion miles to the far away world and couldn't find anyone else to do it. It was a really big leap from just launching satellites less than a million miles into low Earth orbit to over 3 billion miles, but Lockheed Martin and ULA decided to take the Changelle, and on January, 19, 2006 the Atlas V rocket sent the probe whom NASA had named New Horizons to Pluto at 10 miles per second, the fastest speed ever traveled at that time. New Horizons would fly by Pluto in the summer of 2015 returning data and up close images of the small world, just 9 years after launch. 

 NASA was impressed by Lockheed Martin and ULA’s grand Atlas V rocket and have been able to launch many space probes since. Some of the highlights include: 

Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter to the Moon 2009 

Curiosity rover to Mars 2011 

Juno probe to Jupiter 2011 

MAVEN to Mars 2013

Insight to Mars 2018 

Perseverance rover and Ingenuity helicopter to Mars 2020 

Landsat 9 to map Earth 2021 

The Boeing Starliner spacecraft to the ISS in May 2022.

In 2021 ULA and Lockheed Martin announced that the rocket would retire in the late 2020s but until then would host at least 20 more launches.  

As of today the Atlas V is one of the few rockets that has not had a single launch failure so far. Leaving it with a success rate of around 99%. Most rockets only have a success rate of 95% or less.

The Atlas V rocket is a true hero in the rocket committee and its legacy will not end there, ULA is trying to fund a bigger rocket much like it, but more powerful and faster. 

As of today the Atlas V is active and healthy