Park Forest Times

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Ramen Noodles: You Sure About That? by Alex Dasari and Amber Belli

Are you thinking about eating ramen for dinner tonight? Think again. This little tasty death trap is one of the most unhealthy foods! It contains uncontrollable amounts of sodium, BPA, MSG,  . Let’s take a look at what exactly is in these favored noodles.  

You may buy Ramen in packets, or styrofoam cups. The packaging that holds Ramen contains bisphenol A (BPA). BPA is a substance that is used to harden plastics that are still in liquid form.  BPA can cause cancer, heart problems, and many other illnesses. Inside your package, you will find a brick of noodles, and a seasoning packet. Let’s start with the seasoning. This little packet contains about 1,875 milligrams of sodium! The recommended intake of sodium one should receive is about 1,500 milligrams. Monosodium Glutamate, or MSG, is another element found in the seasoning. MSG is a sodium salt used for giving flavor to foods. MSG can cause nausea, sweating, headaches, and even heart palpitations.

Now, what we’ve all been waiting for. The noodles themselves! To keep its texture, the noodles are coated propylene glycol. Propylene glycol is also used in antifreeze, and some tobacco products.  Want to know what the actual noodles are made of? Tertiary Butylhydroquinone, or TBHQ for short. TBHQ is normally added to foods, to prevent anything looking odd on processed foods. TBHQ can cause long term illness, and can cause death if too much is consumed.  If you have ever looked at the ingredients of ramen on the back of the package, you have probably see vegetable oil written on it. In most conditions, vegetable oil is good for you.But in this case, the makers of these instant noodles add palm oil instead. Palm oil is extremely high in saturated fat, which can lead to bad cardiac health.

Ramen is not always a bad thing. You can do many creative things with it such as adding veggies, eggs, or meat to make it better. You can make salads, soups, and much more with it too. Although it is extremely unhealthy, you can have ramen once in awhile. So every time you eat ramen on a regular basis, remember what you are doing to your body!

Anyone for Ramen tonight?