Park Forest Times

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U.S.S. Zumalt by John Cobes

Ever wonder what warships will look like 15 years from now? Well, thanks to the U.S Navy´s $4.4 billion project, we now have an idea.


The U.S.S Zumwalt was launched on September 22, 2016 and has officially joined the U.S Navy. This 610 foot, 15,000 ton, highly-automated destroyer is the biggest of its kind. The U.S.S Zumwalt  is the beginning of the Navy’s new fleet. Two  other similar destroyers will be tentatively launched next September.  The captain of this amazing ship is James A. Kirk, although he has it pretty easy on the Zumwalt because it only requires a crew of 147 people. The U.S.S Zumwalt has many special features, such as it appears as a fishing boat on enemy radar.


Although the U.S Navy although does not plan on using this secret weapon yet,

For now they are just planning on keeping it in good condition, while the U.S constructs the rest of the Zumwalt fleet. Another amazing thing is that the Zumwalt can carry two helicopters and a few tanks in its storage hall.


The U.S.S Zumwalt also is armed with two railguns and a advanced targeting system, capable of firing a missile onto land bases, and auto-targeting submarines.


No doubt his new battleship is the one of the Navy's most prized ships because of advanced capabilities. For now, though, all we can do is wait till the Zumwalt gets its chance to prove itself.