Punxy Phil 2017 Prediction by Milo Schmitt
In the magical underpopulated land of Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania, citizens believe the word of a legendary groundhog by the name of Punxsutawney Phil. Every year, on February 2nd, Phil comes out of his small den. If he sees his shadow, 6 more weeks of winter are to be seen. If not, spring is right around the corner.
Today, Phil came out of his burrow and saw the current state of the U.S. and predicted that a cold and dark nuclear winter is ahead (sentence influenced by Ryan Burklow). By the time this is published, everyone will probably know that he saw his shadow, but who cares, right? Enjoy the extra six weeks of winter. Or don’t. Your decision.
Some other state groundhogs have predictions that conflict, but Phil is the most popular one and those guys are just trying to copy us, right? Well, there’s not much more to say about this. Six more weeks of winter. Groundhogs are cool. But are they good predictors of weather? You decide.