Park Forest Times

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Today in History: A Viet Nam story by Gabbi McVey

This day in 1970, U.S. Navy Lt. Everett Alvarez Jr. spends his 2,000th day as a POW (Prisoner Of War) in Southeast Asia. He was the POW of the longest amount of time ever, being released in 1973, eight agonizing years later. His bravery and courageous conduct modeled for the POWs that came in after him. He was nearly starved to death, shackled to his cell, was isolated, but he still kept his strength and courage, especially when the newer POWs came. He later, then became the Deputy Administrator for the Veterans Affairs Department under Reagan’s Presidency. This man has showed raw bravery and courage the time he spent as a POW. As of today, Everett has his own company called Alvarez LLC.