Park Forest Times

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10 Things You Should About Albert Einstein By: Chase Zhou

Albert Einstein is one of the smartest people in the world. He is world famous for all of his theories of energy, light, the universe. Everybody in the world knows his name by heart. Here are 10 facts about Albert Einstein that if you don’t know, then I don’t know if you really know about Albert Einstein.

  1. He created the famous formula E=mc^2 

  2. He did not talk until the age of 3

  3. He created the Theory of General Relativity

  4. He traveled to America twice before he moved there

  5. He was born in Germany

  6. He wrote papers about the photoelectric effect, special relativity and equivalence between mass and energy

  7. He was married twice

  8. His teachers thought that he was dumb when he was in school

  9. He helped make the atomic bomb that ended World War II

  10. He became an American citizen in 1940

So, what do you think? Did you know all of these facts? After this, I think we can all agree that Albert Einstein is a very clever and smart man, who lived a very interesting life. 

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