10 Cheesy Halloween Jokes by Katherine Savitski
Although Halloween is a night for creepy costumes, scary tricks, and delicious candy, you might want to spice it up, and add some humor to your spooktacular night with these 10 jokes, made by me, Katherine Savitski. They might be bad, but isn’t that what Halloween is all about? Bad and scary monsters?
Q.1 Why did the skeleton cross the street?
A.1. To go to Bones and Noble.
Q.2. What did the zombie eat for dinner?
A.2. Spookghetti!
Q.3. What did the zombie kangaroo throw into a tree?
A.4. A boomerang!
Q.4 What did Archimedes say on October 31st?
A.5. Eurshrieka!
Q.5. Why is it so hard to come up with Halloween jokes?
A.5. I don’t know, it’s just tricky.
Q.6. What did the vampire eat for dessert?
A.6. Bite sized cupcakes.
Q.7. What did the werewolf teacher ask his colleague after a test?
A.7. Howl will I ever grade all these papers?
Q.8. What did the mummy manager tell it’s band?
A.8. Come on guys, let’s wrap this rehearsal up. We have a concert soon!
Q.9. What did the scarecrow zombie from The Wizard Of Oz tell Dorothy?
A.9. If I only had a brain- to eat!`
Q.10. What was the most popular vampire children's book?
A.10. The Day The Crayons Bit!