Bring Back Recess by Zoe Yan and Heidi Hoffman
As you may know, after 6th grade there is no more recess. We both agree that this is a big problem and we think that by bringing back recess this will help our brains by having a break before our classes. Sitting down for many hours can be tiring and sometimes we just need to get up and stretch. Sure there is lunch, and walk and talk, but sometimes we need a little more of a break than that. Friends may not be on the same team, and in 6th grade, recess is one of the ways to connect with them. 7th and 8th grade is different. There is almost no time to socialize with friends that aren’t in any of your classes, so recess is a time to expand who you hang out with. You can meet new people that are playing the games or sports that you also play. Also there's no point of having a whole “playground” for just one grade. In conclusion, 7th and 8th grade deserves recess just as much as 6th graders do.