Book Dreams by Halle Rager

Everyone dreams that their lives would be like a book. A love story. Where a girl meets a boy, where a boy meets a girl. Then their life gets flipped upside down. Deep down everyone wants that, it’s just a natural desire. Just like how everyone wants to be called beautiful. It’s just a wanting, a dreadful wanting. Some people would do anything for one chance for this to happen to them. Yet they seem to never thing of the effects these could have. There is always a catch. Every story has a problem in it. The main character in meant to solve the problem. They go through countless of things. They always seem to get hurt mentally and physically. Till the point that they die, or another character dies. Not lot of people think of that part, maybe they have. Maybe they still don’t care. No one knows how heartbreaking the feeling of a loved one dying is. Not until they have someone die, or close to. Every Time you think of them you feel a weight on your heart. An aching feeling deep down in your stomach, your eyes burn, your throat feels tight. You just can’t get the feeling out. It’s a feeling of dread. Until you just feel so uninspired you just don’t have any energy. If you wanted to live the life of someone who’s life is in a book you’ll have to go through that. Books aren’t always happy things. Author’s write books like that cause that’s what people want to read. They like stories with happy endings and that are loving. Fiction is fake. Nonfiction is real. Get the difference and get it now. Don’t live a life like that. Get up right now, go to your friends. Go to your family. Go to your neighbors. Get up and get outside. Go for a walk, go somewhere you never been before! Make your own story! You don’t need someone in a book’s life. They are fake. That’s the reality of it. Don’t ever forget the difference between expectations and reality cause it’s better to realise it now. Not that I’m saying that books are bad. You should read them. They help you learn stuff. I’m just the kind of person who would rather make their own story than read one. That’s not the point though. The point is get your facts straight. Life isn’t a book or a movie. You can make it be. That’s my point, all I wanted to say. Thanks for reading.