I get in, only thinking of what might happen
Like, I can just fall right into the water
But I know my friend, Celeste, is behind me helping,
By holding the boat
When we were both in the boat
I thought it’s only a matter of time
Until we start to leave the safe land,
And start to float
Then we’re off
Trying to keep control of the paddles
Paddling this way, paddling that way
I look around us
Gentle water everywhere (it feels so strong against the paddle)
Branches sticking out of the water
Water folding over the shore
I start to calm down
Once I could paddle,
I knew what I was doing, I felt better
But then,
I saw two people that fall into the freezing cold water
And I started to grow back the fear
Then we heard the whistle
Reminding us to return to the shore
And I knew we had to head back
Where it was safe
-Emma Herzing