The Answer Man by Logan Thibeault

The Answer Man is said to be the ghost of a child born severely deformed. When he was born he had no arms, legs, or torso. He was just a head. Ever since his death, his ghost has been trying to become a complete human being by collecting the body parts of others.

 I was always fascinated by the paranormal, and I was desperate to receive a call from the Answer Man. I played the game twice, but got no call from him. I finally convinced my friends to give it one more try. The ten of us sat in a circle and dialed the number of the person to our left at the same time. If the game was successful, one of us were supposed to get the Answer Man on the other line. The last two times we were all sent to voicemail, none of us were able to get ahold of the Answer Man. This is the last time I get to try the game and I have high hopes. 

The phone was ringing for what seemed like forever, and finally I heard a voice, but it was not the Answer Man, it was my friend’s voicemail. I hung up, a disappointed look covering my face like a mask. Everybody else, one by one were hanging up as well. Although, the person sitting across from me did not. I stared at her with a smile, and excitement in my eyes. The person across from me, though, did not share the same look I did. In fact, she seemed terrified. I mouthed to her the words ‘Put it on speaker,’ and she did just that. At this point I was practically jumping in my seat. I could hear heavy breathing on the other end and I realized I have not explained what to do when he answers the call. I then grabbed a piece of paper and started writing the words ‘Ask him any question and he’ll ask you one in return. When you answer him you have to be honest.’  When I finished, I passed the paper to her. She stared at the paper for a bit and I assumed she was thinking. The entity that answered the call was still on the phone, waiting. Finally she thought of a question to ask. “When will I die?” she asked the man. Personally I didn’t like the question she asked, but the Answer Man answered her call, not mine, so I kept my mouth shut. 

The entity on the other side of the call paused for a moment and answered. No one expected the date that came out of his mouth. Some of us stared at the phone in disbelief, some shook in terror. “November 18, 2019, 12:35pm.” I looked at today’s date, to make sure that it was in fact today, and it was. I could see tears brimming in the eyes of the person across from me. “No! Y-you’re lying!” They yelled, their voice quavering. “I don’t lie. Now, it’s my turn.” His voice sounded rough and tired. “What do you think of the person sitting across from you?” I was the person sitting across from her. She looked up at me with a worried look in her eyes and smiled, then looked back down to the phone. “I think the person sitting across from me is...nice.” She said, but she sounded unsure. I looked at her a bit confused, and tilted my head a little to the side. The entity’s voice sounded harsh as he responded with the word, “Wrong.” She jumped at his response and everybody exchanged looks. “You think they are annoying, selfish, and you hate them. You can’t lie to me.” I look at her, hurt by the words coming from the phone. She looked worried and panicked. “This is stupid, I’m leaving!” She then got up and left, slamming the door on her way out, and everybody else followed. The entity must have ended the call because he said nothing else. I then remembered what happens when you are dishonest with the Answer Man...he takes a limb. I run after her yelling “Wait!” She was in the middle of the road when I caught up. Next thing I knew there was a truck, and it didn’t stop. It kept going, despite the fact that there was someone on the road. I stared with shock and terror when the truck ran over her. When the truck left I stared at the remains that laid on the road and realized...her leg was missing.