Snazzy Euphoria By Halle Rager

it radiates off of her fingertips as the words are blown past her lips. the curls bounce from his hair as a slight curve of his lips from the impact he had. there was a grace on her lips too, a sort of whooshing feeling coming across her chest. a heartburn, yet she never experienced one before. and this wasn’t it. but it burned so much more and it stayed for a little too long and she couldn't get away from it. for some reason, she could find comfort in it. but especially with someone else beside her. late at night to distract her from the woes of outside, and the thing that lingers by the side of the door. and she could distract her vision from it, whispering sweet little lullaby to it. knowing it would never whisper back, but it erased the thoughts of it bouncing out of nowhere and frightening her. then when she got bored she could look back, and see that face. not actually see it, but imagine the features. how the curves would be in the cheekbones and the freckles under the eyes. then the dull eyes, but back in them there was some sort of mystical mystery. and she wished she could reach out and touch them, but that would be too far. and would be misleading, because she just wanted to allow this feeling spark, and extend. then just hold onto it for the rest of her life. and the small thoughts kept rolling till her breath hitched at what was said next.

“and the fact that you’re here right now makes me question realism in a whole as a solipsist myself.”

and that’s all it took for her to start bawling, and for her to wonder how she could’ve found such a friend in this world. And yet they seem so far away and she wished she could just reach out through the void and their tips of their fingers will brush.

so this was what a sense of euphoria was. and she knew she could never be satisfied and she would just be chasing and chasing after something she couldn’t gain. but for some reason that was okay.

and maybe this was a tiny bit more okay than she expected.

and maybe he was snazzy in a way of not a light haha. but with more heart than before.

he was snazzy

the entitled of snazzy.

and in her book that was the snazziest thing that could come out of anything.