Exploding Hoverboards by Matthew Staniar and Graham Thurley

This holiday season, people all over the world are raving about their new Hoverboard. The platform that takes a lean to move. But little do they know that soon enough they will be riding on a bomb. It sounds impossible that such a popular product can be a hazard, but due to the fact that there is a faulty plug or battery, they can overheat and burst into flames.  This can be caused by overcharging the battery and making it overheat.

Most of the faulty boards are bought online, so that could be part of the cause. Yet still some bought in stores were released with faulty plugs that did not meet British standards. London has already made them illegal, yet they can still be found with people riding them around the streets.

The only place that is permitted to ride in London is on private property. These restrictions are also in place in New York.  California has made hoverboards legal to ride on bike paths starting on January 1st. So, if you are thinking about a hoverboard this holiday season, you may want to think again.