Basic Plot of Pokemon Violet+DLC by Penelope Baxter

Image Source: Amazon

Note: I won’t add any spoilers (to the best of my abilities).

Note: I have no idea about the Scarlet story (Miridon looked better than Koridon so we got Violet).

Note: I’m not doing the Perin stuff in the DLC (Mainly because I didn’t do the Indigo Disc story).

Pokemon Violet. 

So you start in your house with your mom like every Pokemon game. Then, instead of the professor, the school director shows up to your house and is like: “Hey, take all these Pokemon, and run down the road to the fancy looking house. Don’t lose them. I’ll meet you there, okay bye!” You run down, and then you lose them. They have run amok, and then you see the director, and some other girl. 

You chose your starter, and the other girl is immediately like:  “Hey so let’s battle now! Even though you are a first time trainer and I'm more experienced than you, it will be fine!” So she takes a starter, you battle, and then she basically says: “Okay we are going to be rivals now! Oh wait, we are going to school in this game, and it’s the first day, we gotta go, and even though we are probably going to be late, I’ll teach you how to catch a Pokemon!” And the director, who is standing like 10 feet away, is like: “This is fine.” Also, her name is Nemona. 

So she does the usual “how to catch a Pokemon” ordeal, and you toss the Pokeball and gets in without damaging it. And then she’s like: “See you at the lighthouse!” And runs off. You catch up with her, and then you hear a loud “Roar” sound coming from below the cliff you are standing on. 

You look over and then fall 25 feet to your death. But you don’t die because this is an open world game where you will be falling off cliffs all the time, and it is a childrens’ game, so no death. Instead your Rotom phone is strong enough to hold you up. You then see the box art Pokemon but less cool looking. You give it a sandwich and then it turns into the cool box art Pokemon. Then you follow it for some reason into a cave with just your starter, a Lenchonk, Tarantula, Hopip, Scatterbug, and possibly a Pawmi. Inside the cave is a pack of Houndour. You then meet the leader, a Houndoom, which is level 40. The cool box art Pokemon saves you and takes you up and out, where your friend’s like: “That is so cool!” 

And then you’re interrupted by another kid (Arven), who is like: “That’s my Pokemon! How dare you!” And then you beat up his Skowovet. And then he’s like: “Oh. That was mildly embarrassing. Okay here’s its Pokeball, also it is legendary and can’t battle, as well as do anything cool until you start the main story.” 

Then you rush to school where your friend says: “Okay battle me now!” And then you battle her and she uses the gimmick of the game, and then is like: “Wait, I forgot you don’t know what that is, one sec, I’ll get you a Gimmick Activation Device.” And she runs off. 

You go inside, and there is the team of the region, who are just school bullies, beating up a girl in front of the stairs to the school. So you defeat the grunts and run into school, where your friend gives you the gimmick tool, and you report the team to the director, who basically says: “That is not your job. We will handle this.” And your friend is coos over you about having to defeat the “Big Bad Baddies.” And you're like: “I just defeated you twice! How are you good at battling!” And then school starts. 

Then you fast forward to summer break, where it is just a huge school project called the “Treasure Hunt” and then the main plot starts. You get invited by your friend to take on the gyms, and also, the Elite 4 is weird in this game. Like, there are multiple champions, but there is one person who is The Champion, and once you defeat them, you are a Champion Ranked Trainer. Any-hoo, the guy who gave you the box art Pokemon tells you to defeat the Titan Pokemon. And then you get a call from someone who tells you to beat up the evil team. Also, the box art Pokemon becomes a motorcycle! So, the gym route is basically go to the town, fight your rival, do the gym challenge, beat the gym leader, take a selfie, repeat. Then you fight the Elite 4 and the champion. The Titan path is to fight the Titan by yourself, then do it again with your friend, harvest some plants, make a sandwich, feed it to your motorcycle, unlock new ability, take a selfie, repeat. Also you learn that your friend has a sick dog. The beat up the evil team path is to fight all the grunts in Auto-Battle, defeat the leader of that base, beat up their car, get a flashback, take a selfie, and then get paid. Then you fight the leader. 

After you defeat the leader of the evil team, Nemona, and Arven, you go where you are required to never go, Area 0. You go down, and the box art Pokemon is unable to be used. You unlock each terminal, and then you fight the professor, and he turns on a time machine that will destroy the world. Then you can’t use any Pokemon except for the box art Pokemon vs. a second box art Pokemon. You win and it is post game time. You fight all the gym leaders again, and then you have a massive Pokemon Battle tournament.

DLC Part 1, The Teal Mask

The Teal Mask starts with your homeroom teacher calling you and tells you: “You get to go on a once in a lifetime trip that you can always come back to because of your protagonist powers! And you are going with another school from Unova that isn’t in the Black and White games.” Thank god all the friends you just saved the world with aren’t coming to bother you.

Instead you have 2 new companions who are just as annoying! You get there and another person immediately gets sick. So you are sent to let the place you are staying know you are there. But you are stopped by your new companions. They are brother and sister and are named Keiren (the brother) and Carmine (the sister). Carmine stops you and is like: “battle me!” And she is basically a less competitive Nemona. You fight and then the rest of your team comes. And it turns out that just these kids came from the Unova School. 

You are then given homework to learn the story of the saviors of the land, and you are partnered with Keiren to do it. You learn 2/3rds of the story, and it is basically: 

“There was a guy and an Ogre who weren’t welcome in the town. And then the Ogre attacked the town.” 

And then Keiren says: “You want to see the Ogre’s den?” Because they let 10 year olds up there. So you do, it’s empty, and then you go to a festival that night. 

You and Carmine see the Ogre, and then Keiren comes around the corner. The Ogre runs, and Carmine is like: “Don’t tell Keiren about that” so you lie. Also, the Ogre dropped its mask, and it broke so you take it to Carmine’s Grampa. But in the meantime you and Keiren finish your homework and the rest of the story is: 

“And then these Pokemon beat up the Ogre, but sacrificed themselves, but saved the day.” 

You check in on the mask and are told the story is wrong. Instead, it is: “There was a guy and Ogre who weren’t welcome in the town, so the local mask maker made them masks. They fit in finally, and their masks became famous. 3 greedy Pokemon planned to steal them so they killed the guy. This angered the Ogre and it came down and attacked the town. The 3 greedy Pokemon pretended to sacrifice themselves to protect the town, and were unrightfully treated as heroes.” 

He then sends you a goose chase to get a thing to fix the mask, but the whole time Keiren was listening in. You return the mask but Keiren stops you, gets angry, and accidentally releases the 3 Pokemon because they weren’t dead.

They steal the masks again and you have to get them back. After words, you return the masks to the Ogre, you catch it, and you beat part 1 of the DLC.  

DLC Part 2, The Indigo Disk

This is the simplest story of them all. You get enrolled in a 2nd school. You enroll in the battle league for it. You defeat the Elite 4. You defeat the champion. And then you are sent to Area 0. And then you fight/beat/catch Terapijos. The. End. 
