KIVA club is not just about raising money and donating, it is about be the “CHANGE” for a lot of people who work really hard to survive.
WHERE: Park Forest Middle School-Room 214 (Mr. Felsmann)
WHEN: Starts December 5th
WHO: PFMS students
WHAT: Helping farmers and people who work hard
"KIVA is an organization that helps people who are below the poverty line. KIVA gives money to these people so that they can start a business and raise money to help them support their families. Our club has donated to around 20 people in the past two years. This money has helped people buy rice, start a store, and help them build a house. Our KIVA club started last year in the 2nd marking period." Park Forest KIVA Club President, Katie Maguire
"To help people, the Kiva club plans and runs fundraisers that raise money for small, no interest loans that we give to people in poverty all over the world as a way to help them start and run small businesses. This is done through the micro-finance organization called Kiva. These loans help alleviate poverty and allow people in poor countries to live better and more productive lives. The Kiva Club started here at PFMS last year, 2013, and is partnered with the high school Kiva Club that started in 2010. I started the Kiva Club as a way to introduce students to global community service and help them learn about countries, cultures and economies that are very different from ours. It is also a way for students to learn about microfinance and also how to manage, run and work with others in a school club." KIVA Club advisor, Mr. Felsmann