Should we have year round school?
For most people in this school, they’ve always had school from the end of August to the beginning of June. But some places in the world have school year round. Year round school means school is the whole year with no 3 month summer break. Many people here hate that idea because of the constant schooling without a big break. School makes you work hard and when you don’t have a summer break you don’t have months to relax. “The very thought of sending kids to school year-round makes some parents cringe. They balk at the idea of kids attending schools with no summer break. They question the value of a continuous school year interspersed with several short breaks. While the schedule is definitely not what the majority of adults grew up with, it's not nearly as onerous as some people think,” says Scholastic. Let's see what you think at the end.
But year round schooling isn’t always bad. It makes for longer breaks and un-interrupted learning. Every school in the country has 160 - 180 days of school every year. For us at Park Forest we have that continually with winter break, spring break and a couple days off throughout the year then off we go to summer break then to the next year of school. The pros are not as many interrupting breaks, and you have summer break to unwind before the next grade. Cons are constant school with only some days off and spring, winter and summer breaks.
But in ten states, year round school is different. They have the normal 160 - 180 days of school but instead they have it a year without summer break. “Kids in year-round schools attend classes for anywhere from six to nine weeks in a row, broken up by two- to four-week vacations. That, say some educators, keeps the learning process ongoing with minimal disruption. A Duke University study even suggested kids attending year-round schools are at a slight advantage, because they don't forget what they learned during the long summer break,” says Scholastic. Schooling with bigger breaks in between is nice for some students. Pros are longer breaks are nice, you do 6 weeks of school with a 2 week break sounds amazing. Cons are school is broken up and four week vacations can interrupt the learning process.
So what do you think, should we change to year round school or not?