Teacher Spotlight: Mr. Ammerman by Felix Sawers

Mr. Ammerman is a 6th grade science teacher at Park Forest Middle School. I guarantee you didn't know all of this about him.

Mr. Ammerman’s favorite subject to teach is science, even though he used to be a math teacher. The reason Mr. Ammerman gave is, “I started teaching science more than math.” Mr. Ammermans’s favorite team is our Penn State football team and his favorite sport is football.
You might be wondering what is  Mr.Ammerman’s favorite time of day but his favorite time of day is the morning. His favorite celebrity is Nick Saban. He is a football coach who coaches Alabama University. 

It turns out that being outside exercising and playing football is Mr. Ammerman’s favorite hobby. Mr. Ammerman said that his all time favorite food is pizza and his favorite place to eat his pizza is Brother’s Pizza.
