There are many stupid questions. Is cheese a loaf of milk? Are hot dogs a sandwich? Should Sam Rockmore be allowed to write for the school newspaper? But lately, a question like those has spiraled out of control and caused a civil war in Homeroom 311… is carbonated milk a soda? Chances are, if you know who I am, I’ve asked you this very question. But is it? Is it a soda?
Yes, yes it is. First of all, what is a soda? Google defines a soda as “a carbonated soft drink.” But this, this begs a new question: what even is a soft drink? Google then defines that as a nonalcoholic drink, especially one that is carbonated. Carbonated milk is indeed a carbonated, nonalcoholic drink!
People have asked me, “Does anyone sell that?” Yes, in not just Japan, but in China, Mongolia, North Korea, South Korea, and Taiwan. Though I highly doubt carbonated milk is sold in North Korea, I’ll run with it. But why haven’t any Americans heard of it? To this, I have no answer.
People have also asked how to make carbonated milk. Sadly, you can’t Sodastream milk directly, so you have to mix carbonated water with milk to make carbonated milk.
That’s it for now. Also, if I have anyone brave and stupid enough, I want someone to go to China, Mongolia, Japan, North Korea, South Korea, and Taiwan, then buy carbonated milk in each country. That was a joke, please don’t go to North Korea.