Planet Outside Milky Way Galaxy by Kale Cunningham 

NASA claims that they have discovered a possible planet out of the galaxy which could be the first planet of its kind.

The planet is claimed to be the size of Saturn, the second biggest planet in our solar system. 

NASA discovered the planet earlier this week by the spacecraft Chandra X-ray Observatory which observes supernovas or hot explosions. The spacecraft detected a star in the galaxy known as whirlpool dimming in for a few days then returned to normal. 

Scientists knew that this could mean a planet could have been orbiting by and blocked out some of the star's lightness,  like a solar eclipse. 

NASA however says that it could be about 70 years to confirm the planet's existence, due to its orbiting path. 

 NASA claimed that it was rare that the Chandra X-ray Observatory would make this discovery; they explained that the Hubble Space Telescope or possibly the James Webb Telescope would make this discovery. “Such methods could be used in the future to discover other new planets in distant galaxies,” Di Stefano said 

NASA can not send a mission to the planet because it would take over 100 million years to reach the planet. In the meantime NASA will continue looking for planets like the one they may have found.  

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Image Source; Skynews