Today you look on the sandy beach and you see the shallows lined with small plastic bags. You take a closer look. What you’re seeing is not at all plastic bags but jellyfish! Scientists believe this is due to humans. See how this is caused, what you can do to help, and statistics.
Why is this happening?
Jellyfish are starting to move inland, scientists believe this to be caused by global warming and fishing. Both of these causes are due to humans. This could later create our downfall. Jellyfish are starting to rule the world.
Global warming
You have probably heard about global warming, maybe from a friend,a teacher, or a documentary. It’s a huge topic and it affects the world, its fauna and flaura, terrain, and us in many different ways, like the jellyfish invaders.
So how could this be our fault? Of course we are the leading source to most of global warming, but why does it cause the jellyfish overpopulation? Well most jellyfish cannot survive in temperatures below around 21°F, but they tend to prefer temps about 40°F. Because of global warming, the rising temperatures allow the jellyfish to move inland without dying. This results in more painful or possibly lethal stings to some beachgoers. A recent article from 2019 by The Washington Post exhibits that about 150 million people were stung that year. This results in more jellyfish washing up on the coast or just close to shallow waters. Just remember your actions can affect millions.
What can we do to fix this?
1. Decrease greenhouse gasses
Greenhouse gasses are the number one leading cause of global warming. Greenhouse gasses trap heat in the atmosphere of the earth causing global warming. This gas is mostly caused by burning fossil fuels. Fossil fuels are used for things like electricity. One of the best things you can do is try to reduce electricity in your home, pass the news on, and try to find a renewable energy source.
2. Stop Overfishing
Fishing doesn’t help. Many fish are pulled out of the water daily due to the demand. This means that of course the jellyfish are coming. What can you do to help this? Stop eating fish!
How many people are stung a year by jellyfish?
About 150 million are stung yearly.
How many jellyfish stings are lethal yearly?
50-100 at minimum.
How does this affect local swimmers?
Definitely. Some beaches are closing up and if you are at a beach, still you might get stung.
Are there any animals that eat jellyfish?
Yes, living things such as anemones, sea turtles, birds, and more.