On November 1st, An electrical line that ferries energy from India into the neighboring country of Bangladesh failed, and that resulted in a total power cut in Bangladesh for 12 hours. People had to get around by candlelight, all shops were forced to close, and hospitals and airports would have to use backup generators. Regular citizens expressed their concern, and they said that “With the whole neighborhood in darkness, we don't feel safe inside our house either." However, the power outage was fixed in 12 hours, with the blackout lasting from 11 AM to 11 PM.
However, even though Bangladesh has over 160,000,000 people, over 40% of the population doesn’t have access to power from the national power grid, and Bangladesh is a country that, according to Business Insider, will be the 31st most powerful country in the world in 2050. If 40% of the population doesn’t have to electricity, and that 40% is out of 160,000,000 people, how can Bangladesh possibly become so powerful?
As you may recall, last year, a clothing factory in Bangladesh collapsed and killed over 200 people, and that clothing factory made clothes for American factories. In fact, Bangladesh is the place where a lot of your clothes probably come from, because since Bangladesh has such a dense population. It has a growing work force, so even though Bangladesh is a poor nation, in the coming years, its economy will boom, so a country that has to make small power cuts to stay under their budget will be a powerful country in about 40 years, and my relatives who live and work in Bangladesh will have a solid future.