Manatees are one of the many endangered animals that have managed to stay alive for a very long time. Manatees are also nicknamed the Sea Cow although its technical name is Trichechus. There are three main kinds of manatees: the West Indian manatees, the Amazonian manatees, and the African manatees. An adult manatee can weigh 880 to 1200 pounds and can swim an average 3.1 to 5 miles in an hour. The adults can also grow to be 9.2 to 9.8 feet long and its rank is genus. They live around the coasts of central America and south, west Africa. Manatees are herbivores which mean that they only eat plants. The main cause of manatees’ deaths are human issues for example, most manatees surfer from motor boat injuries such as getting scrapes on their backs and severe internal injuries that can lead to death.
You could make a difference by following motor boat laws such as not boating in certain areas of the coasts and by going against, as in not wanting to pollute the ocean pollution. Now there are many rehabilitate centers for manatees. The manatees might go extinct soon which means that there would be one less species of amazing animals left on Earth. Which means if manatees can’t live then chances are that other beloved species can’t live either.