Editorial: Who Can Trump the Donald? by Kyle Hynes

This is one of the most pressing issues in the Presidential race: who can beat Donald Trump, Wall Street business mogul, CEO of Trump Enterprises, and current GOP frontrunner?  Since the next president will get to elect at least three of the next Supreme Court judges, we, as a party, cannot let it be a Republican, especially one like Trump.  We’re here to discuss who has the best chance of (for comic value let’s call it “trumping”) Donald.  

I can safely say that I’m speaking for both Kyle and myself when I say that the ideal choice for us is Bernie Sanders, and I’m sure that we are also speaking for many, many people all over America, but the main argument from the right about him is that he is unelectable.  One of the key points that makes him the more susceptible candidate to the Pro-GOP media is his claim to be a socialist.  I’m just going to clear this up right here, right now, but Bernie Sanders is not a full-out socialist.  He is, however, a democratic socialist.  

The difference between the two is that the belief system of the “real” socialists is more along the lines of “the government controls all the money and natural resources, and the people get shares,” whereas democratic socialists think that capitalism is harmful (at least the free market variety), but that businesses are good, so basically just that the fact that the big corporate companies are stealing from people is corrupt.  

Another very important fact that many of the right-wing media companies seem to either forget, or to never have learned, apparently, is that socialism is not the same thing as communism.  However, this is something that even the southern democrats seem to not be aware of, because it seems that they are sticking with Hillary as their choice for the Democratic Party nominee. The only problem, it seems, is that no swing voter is going to vote for a self-admitted socialist. Yes, he calls himself a democratic socialist, but Americans will go from “democratic socialist” to “socialist” to “communist”. So, it is our opinion that he cannot beat Mr. Trump.

Next: Hillary Clinton. Could she win? Trump is going to flat-out attack Clinton about the Bengazi e-mails, while Clinton will go around the edge about Trump’s many faults. So, in reality, we feel that Secretary Clinton may have enough, but maybe not. But, in reality, a Republican has the best chance to win. Someone who panders to the Christian, conservative extremist base. Someone like . . . Ted Cruz. Senator Cruz of Texas is an “anti-establishment Republican” and believes that he was anointed to be a Senator and, oddly, Vice President. All in all, Ted Cruz likely has the most realistic chance to beat Trump.