Recently a high-tech investigation of Shakespeare's grave at Holy Trinity Church was led by Staffordshire University archaeologist Kevin Colls. The results showed that Shakespeare’s head was missing! It had been taken and replaced around 200 years ago with the skull of a 70-year-old woman. Chris Laoutaris, of the University of Birmingham's Shakespeare Institute, is a Renaissance burial customs expert and thinks a close friend or family member might be responsible. They could have taken Shakespeare’s head shortly after his burial and had it buried with them. This would not have been thought strange during this time period as others also did it. For example, think of Sir Thomas More, Lord Chancellor under Henry VIII and England's greatest humanist scholar. His caring daughter, Margaret More Roper, kept and preserved his head after he was executed in 1534. The question historians now face is: should the investigation continue or, with Shakespeare’s 400th anniversary coming up, should we finally let him rest in peace?