Juno Probe by Anjali Vanamala

NASA’s Juno probe was launched in 2011 to orbit Jupiter. After a five-year-long trip it reached its final destination, Jupiter, in July of 2016. In all Juno will orbit Jupiter 37 times. Each orbit will take around 14 days to complete.  

The probe was named after the Roman goddess of marriage whose husband was Jupiter, the king of the gods. This is because in the myths Juno could see through the clouds to see her husband while other people couldn't.  The Juno probe is designed to see through the clouds of the planet Jupiter.  

The Juno probe has three large solar panels around its hexagonal shaped body. The panels are spread 66 feet overall because of how little sunlight the probe will get compared to the other probes we’ve sent out. They make around 450 watts of energy. The cells in these new panels are much more efficient and tolerant against radiation.  

The Juno has special features to help us learn more about Jupiter. It can measure the amount of water in its atmosphere. It maps its magnetic and gravitational fields. Juno can determine the mass of Jupiter's core. It will also take some of the ions and electrons while orbiting Jupiter to see why Jupiter has the brightest auroras of our solar system.
