Park Forest Times

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Think Twice About Declawing Your Cat by Asher Jones

Many people think that declawing a cat is just a quick fix like a manicure. Newsflash: it’s not. Declawing a cat is like chopping off the last knuckle of each of your fingers. The cat’s claw is attached to a bone in their paw so therefore if you want to declaw your cat, you have to cut off the bone also. It is a painful surgery and a painful recovery. Many cats have had changes in their behavior such as they bite more or they don’t use their litter box properly. One way that veterinarians remove the claw is that they use a sliding blade and they cut off the bone with the claw which also cuts through the pad. The pad is what allows the cat to walk comfortably like shoes. So when you take that out, they can’t walk comfortably.

Alternatives To Declawing Your Cat

If your cat keeps on clawing your furniture, then there are much better ways to solve that problem. You can use vinyl nail caps. Those are little caps to put on your cats claws. They are glued on and last about a month. The tricky bit is you have to trim your cat’s claws before you put the caps on. The cat will get used to the caps in a day or two.

Another option is if you have a kitten you can train them when they are young so they grow up knowing not to scratch at the furniture or you. If your cat is scratching you or others, then you can trim their nails once a week. But if you trim your cat’s claws when they are clawing at your furniture it won’t help because they will just want to sharpen their claws more.