Sign Language by Asher Jones

Sign language has grown more and more popular as time goes on. But it wasn’t always that way, in the past deaf people were treated without respect and were oppressed. People thought that they were stupid because they couldn’t hear. Luckily, there were many people who showed that people who were deaf could do many extraordinary things. Some of these people are Beethoven, Helen Keller, Linda Bove, Willian Castle, and Kelby Brick. These are just some of the many people who proved that even with disabilities you can do so many amazing things.

Languages are always changing and sign language is no different. There have been many new words added to sign language however they don’t have an official dictionary so when they create new words or phrases the process depends on how many people use it and if they show others how to. Though this process only works if people catch on which takes a lot longer than just writing in in a dictionary and declaring it a word. The new words are mainly internet related, such as they added duckface, screencap, and emoji. When these new words are introduced many people interpret them differently. Like someone might sign selfie as holding up a phone while as another person might sign holding up a camera and pushing a button. This can get confusing because if you are signing to someone and you use some of these new words that have several different variations then it might be difficult to represent what you are trying to communicate. It seems that all these new words in sign language shows that it is growing and improving.