I personally love quotes or little phrases. I thought I was being all original when I wrote down in a journal, ‘How Come Dark Colors Out Do Light Colors?’
Apparently I was wrong because when I showed my mom the quote she was able to quickly respond with, “Some people say light colors out do dark colors.” I couldn't see this how this was possible without them being colorblind. Which I wasn’t even positive about how colorblindness works.
Then I realized I was looking at it all wrong. People associate dark colors with dark emotions and light colors with bright emotions.
But.. no one can be bright and happy all the time, same thing with dark emotions, no one can be miserable all the time. So I still didn’t have an answer until I realized dark emotions kill..
In since I got that cleared up I also realized another thing, dark colors hold other emotions other than misery. Red holds love, passion, intensity, energy, and excitement. Orange holds determination, warmth, success, and flamboyance. Blue holds uniqueness, peace, authentic and enthusiasm. Lastly, purple holds wealth, mysteries, magic, creativity, and spirituality. In conclusion it holds happy emotions as well.
How come we were taught that dark things were bad, and that light things were good? How come we never decide to go into deeper meaning of things?
Now some people are like well villains in fairy tales and superhero stuff are associated with dark things, and they are bad. Which is correct, but most villains are misunderstood.
People don’t go deeper into things. We probably never will. But the people who do achieve great things. Scientist, therapist, musicians, people of the world.
And it all can start with one simple thing.
Like questioning the world.
How come dark colors out do light colors?