360 Google Doodle by Marcus Henry

On May 4, 2018, Google released its first ever 360-degree Google Doodle. What is a 360-degree Google Doodle, you might ask? Basically, it is an animation created so that you can pan the screen left or right, “look around,” and there will be animation everywhere as if you were actually looking at it! You can even watch it with VR goggles, and then it will look REALLY real.

What is the history behind Google’s latest creation? It was created in honor of Georges Méliès, and his film, A Trip to the Moon. He was basically the creator of special effects, so if you’re a Star Wars fan or a Marvel addict, you have him to thank. In the movie, Méliès tells a 13-minute story about a group of explorers going to the moon, finding a group of aliens, and bringing one back to Earth. Now you know the history, go watch that Google Doodle!

Google Doodle: https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=11&v=BEePFpC9qG8

History source: https://www.vox.com/culture/2018/5/3/17311222/georges-melies-google-doodle-trip-moon-conquest-pole-effects

Real Film: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BNLZntSdyKE