1-2 Ice Cream by Marcus Henry

The company LG is reportedly creating the Keurig of ice-cream: it’s called the Snow White. While it doesn’t actually use snow, this amazing device can create ice cream. It’s as easy to operate as 1-2. Yes, no “3.” The device uses two pods, which look similar to the Keurig pods we all know. The first pod is a “texture pod.” These come in many different options: sherbert, sorbet, granita, gelato, ice cream, custard, frozen yogurt, and finally, a cleaning pod.

Once you select your option for the base of your ice cream (hopefully not the cleaning pod!), you choose a flavor. Among these are vanilla, lemon, chocolate chip cookie dough, chocolate, cookie dough, strawberry, butter pecan, mint chocolate chip, and more. Add a flavor pod to the machine, press a button, and presto! Your ice cream is complete, just the way you like it. However, this machine is just a prototype as yet and may not be sold for a while, or ever.

Read more at: https://www.theverge.com/circuitbreaker/2019/3/11/18258778/lg-snow-white-ice-cream-pods-sxsw-2019