You probably remember countless times you’ve let your mind wander. Perhaps it was when you were sitting in a boring class, or maybe it was a few minutes ago.
It turns out that there is more to daydreaming than just being bored and slacking off (although that is a part of it), and not only is it a fascinating look at how the brain works, but it also says a lot about who you are!
Read on to discover some interesting facts about daydreaming, including why we do it, what it means, and what your daydreams say about you!
1. You daydream less with age
As you get older you’ll daydream less. It doesn’t mean you won’t daydream, you’ll just do it less. It could also mean that as you get older, you get to experience all those things you dreamt about. If you daydream about becoming famous and when you get older you actually got famous then you don’t need to daydream about it because you already are!
2. Your method of daydreaming also changes over time
As your brain develops and matures, the structure of your nerve connections also change. That means the actual physical way you daydream today will be different when you get older.
3. Your brain changes when you daydream
Your brain has two modes of thinking; analytic and empathetic. The analytic deals with facts and logic, the empathetic side deals with emotions and intuition. When daydreaming, your brain cycles between these two modes, often without you even realizing it!
4. Daydreaming helps your brain talk to itself
Because you’re not engaged in wholly empathetic or analytic thought, the two modes can explore the same issue, and lead you to see it from both sides. This oscillation in thought types actually helps people be more creative, and helps them come up with new connections, associations, and ideas.
5. You lose track of things when you daydream
Daydreaming has its downside, and this is one we’ve all experienced. You were just doing something, and then a thought popped into your head and you chased it right down the rabbit hole. And now you’re staring at whatever’s in front of you wondering what you’re supposed to be doing. Oops. The trick to good daydreaming is knowing when to indulge. If you’re doing something that requires precision or a lot of conscious thought, try to stay focused on your task. Focus is important, too!
6. Kids and teens need to daydream
The next time you catch a kid’s mind wandering, let them be. Daydreaming is actually good for them! Daydreaming helps them try on different identities and explore different paths inside the safety of their own heads. For teens, daydreaming is also a way to cope with the new and intense emotions they’re feeling.
7. Stress causes more daydreams
Daydreaming is a form of escapism, and when you have a million tasks ahead of you, sometimes it’s nice to imagine, well, anything else. Escapism doesn’t solve any problems, but sometimes, daydreaming can help you come up with a solution to those problems in a new way. If you find yourself daydreaming, it might be your subconscious with a suggestion for you. But don’t get into the habit of just daydreaming when there are real things to be done. Escapism isn’t a real solution!
8. Many people daydream about the same things
Think your daydreams are weird? They probably aren’t. In fact, most people daydream about the same basic things, as they all reflect issues we all face. A daydream about becoming rich might relate to financial anxieties. One about being famous might reflect a need for recognition. Being in charge of the world? Maybe you’re feeling powerless in real life. And if you have some pretty angry revenge fantasies? Don’t worry, that’s normal. You’re just expressing feelings of anger in a harmless way.
9. Daydreaming doesn’t make you flighty
We’re often told that daydreaming is a sign of being lazy or flaky, and that it’s a waste of time. But there’s no connection between daydreaming and success. In fact, people who daydream more have an edge when it comes to creative problem-solving!
10. Daydreaming is good for you
So there you have it, all you dreamy people. Sit back, close your eyes, and start daydreaming!