The Ups and Downs of Hybrid Learning By: Marcus Auvillain

Learning in class one day and being on a computer the next trying to understand what the teacher is saying is much more different than being home all the time or in class everyday. I know this because I am a hybrid student. There are many ups and downs to this type of learning.

An up in learning is this the thought of getting to hang out with your friends in school. It isn’t as much time as people who are in school everyday, but it is definitely a nice thought. Also, it is better than the people who are fully remote, because that year they don’t meet any of the people in school, so if they are still in middle school when Covid-19 blows past and we don’t have to go onto a zoom meeting anymore, the fully remote kids will have to start off as if this was there first time meeting the kids in school. Which, it kind of is.

A down in learning this way is the stress between the two roles: one day in school and the next, zoom. Being on zoom isn’t so stressful, but I have to pay more attention than I do in class because at any point, the audio could cut out, and the teacher is speaking through a microphone with a mask on, so I usually have to turn the volume all the way up and be close to the computer to be able to understand the teacher as I would in class. But, other than that the zoom day isn’t so hard. Though at night, after being so relaxed, I have to get my bag ready for a rushed, crowded day of in-person school.

Another up in hybrid learning is, on the remote day, I can just stand up and get a snack whenever I want, because the kitchen is only a few yards away. Also, I can be on my bed or couch slumping, while the others have to sit in a metallic plastic kind of chair, sitting straight. 

A down about hybrid learning is the masks with in person school. They are pretty stuffy, and we can’t even take them off during mask breaks if we want to play sports, because they say we have to keep them on, since we’re so “close” to each other. So, if you want to play kickball, you won’t get a mask break at all throughout the day, only when you are eating lunch.

An up about hybrid learning is being able to do the experiments one day, and when the next group of students does it, you can catch up on any late assignments or readings you need to do. For example, in science class, I did an experiment one day, and the next day I just did my assignments, and everything else the teacher told us to do.

A down about hybrid learning is, when I am remote, I have to stare at the screen all day. And since I use mask breaks to catch up with my work, I really don’t get a break. Only for lunch and during the activity period I sometimes go outside. And, by the time school is done, I still have homework on the computer that I have to do, so it adds more time staring at a screen. 

There are many ups and downs in hybrid learning. It is still fun in school, but less fun with Covid-19 lurking around every state, infecting people. If I am going to be honest, I liked it much much better when there wasn’t any remote learning and masks and this disease. I think everyone liked it better without Covid-19. So, as this article ends, I encourage everyone to stay safe!