The Pros and Cons of Summer by Audra Miller and Maura Williams 

Many people get very excited about summer break, a time to sit back and relax being off school for almost three months. While you are having fun at the beach you may not be thinking about the downsides of summer break. Although you might be a part of those who love summer, over 50% of the population prefers the other seasons more.

Let's start with the pros of summer, maybe if you're not a fan of warmer months, but you can find some things to enjoy while being off school. One thing many people enjoy is vacations, during the school year the longest breaks are about a week. But in the summer you can take longer trips and maybe even more than one if you're lucky. Kids love having lots of time off school and some enjoy it to the fullest. One way to do that is to go swimming. Now swimming is not just a pro because it's fun it's also a great exercise and competition. Many of your pools have swim teams, a great way to enjoy swimming and a competitive competition.  Swimming also isn't the only sport people like to do over summer. People love participating in sports and any outdoor activities. Lastly, summer also has lots of opportunities to hang out with friends, and also sometimes go on trips with them.  Overall, summer has lots of pros, and reasons to enjoy the time you get off school.

Summer might not all be bad, but it's not all good either. For example some people like the heat of summer, it's nice for swimming and some outdoor activities. But there's also people who think summer weather is too hot and overall worse than the spring,winter, and fall seasons. This sort of mixed views is also relevant for other things like summer camps. Some people might get tired of having so many summer camps, not having enough summer camps to keep them busy, or just not enjoying them. But some people disagree with that and just like summer camps overall. Finally, summer can be good for people who dislike school, but less fun for those who miss learning. There are many things about summer that people have mixed feelings on.

Lastly, here are some cons even people who like summer should consider. Firstly, some parents can be very careful with the amount of screen time their child gets. If they don't have camps or fun summer activities they could get very bored. You may be thinking, what about their friends, well not all kids are able to connect to their friends. For example if either of you don’t have a phone or each other's number you wouldn't be able to contact them, and it takes awhile to contact them through something else like email. Something else bad about summer is the summer slump, at this time some kids can forget an average of 17-34% of what they learned that school year. This can be bad for not only kids, but also teachers. After only about six weeks after school let out kids start forgetting key points teachers painstakingly taught them, and teachers don’t get paid nearly enough for that. Another con, even though it’s not in summer, is the rush for school to be over. Some people rush the last days of school and end up with bad grades and having to spend their summer in summer school. Now you can see that summer is not always all good for everyone, different to what you might think there are some cons to summer.

So after hearing the pros, cons, and mixed things about summer, what do you think, do you still like summer?