Mr. Quinter is the 7th grade Timber Rattler Science teacher. His room number is 307s. He has many stories to tell. Mr. Quinter has been teaching for 19 years and 18 of those years were in Huntingdon County. He moved schools because he wanted something different. Originally, before becoming a teacher, he wanted to be an ecologist and researcher. He found out he wanted to be a teacher when he was a lab assistant and enjoyed helping out and teaching other students.
One of the stories is when he was talking about opposites attract to his class. A student had a response to that…it was, “Then your wife must be a genius.”
Funny, right? But there is something better: once when he was in the middle of a class, his pants split, so now he has an extra pair of pants on hand just in case. Even though there are a lot of funny stories to tell, he also has one scary one.
One time when he was in class (homeroom) a student was eating their breakfast and started to choke, so Mr. Quinter went into action and did the Heimlich maneuver, saving the student.
Teaching and telling stories is not the only thing Mr. Quinter likes to do; he has gone scuba diving in a cenote (a natural pit or sinkhole formed when limestone bedrock collapses, exposing groundwater). He also saw an octopus and a shark while diving. If you go to his room you can meet a classroom pet which is a snake named Noname (No-na-me). Mr. Quinter has had this snake for twelve years which is probably the age of the snake too. He got this snake from the high school in Huntingdon. They breed snakes there. Mr. Quinter has had four different snakes…each one had escaped and they were found in lockers, and other teacher’s rooms. Noname is the only one who has stayed in the room. Then again there is always a very slim chance that the snake will escape. Well, this has been fun telling you about Mr Quinter!