Park Forest Times

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Mr. Brightbill's New Grading System by Emma Neely and Emmalee Campbell

Let us give you a little information about the way that Mr. Brightbill is grading his science students for the 7/8th grade Cougars for the last two marking periods.  He is doing no testing, but he is doing a lot of recording of what you know.  He wants people to be able to understand what they have been learning, and the students to not feel pressure when taking tests.  We think that he is a really good teacher and that this grading system will be very successful and it will be popular among the other teachers.

From this interview we have seen that people will like Mr. Brightbill’s grading system, but it will also be a little hard for them to get used to because it’s such a new and different way of getting grades.


Interview Q/A with Mr. Brightbill


1. What made you choose to grade this way?


B: “Increasing dissatisfaction. Focusing on what the students learned.”


2.  Do you think that students like this grading system better?


B: “Some will, some won’t. Not one to focus on whether you like it.  Focus on whether it is good for you.”


3.  Is this grading system easier for you? Why?


B: “Harder for you. More time intensive”


4. How well do you think that this grading system is going to work out?


B: “Instead of revelling in how awesome i am, it is continuously seeing what things the students are learning.”


5. Do you think that you will use this in years to come? Or not? Why?


B: “Yes. seeing a better benefit for learning outcomes, discomfort @ first then reward.”