Teacher Spotlight: Mrs. Gibboney by Rylee Troup and Jennie Varrassa  

Mrs. Gibboney is the assistant librarian at Park Forest Middle School. You’ll find her in the library with all the books!!

Favorite Season: Summer

What did you do as a kid: Roller skate, softball, kickball

Favorite thing to do in free time: Read 

Favorite color: Purple 

Favorite Sport: Water aerobics 

Favorite Book: Tuesdays with Morrie Mitch Albom 

Favorite Movie: You’ve Got Mail 

Where did you go to school: Didn’t go to college but  went to PFMS 

Favorite food: Ice cream 

Dream Vacation:  Hawaii 

Why do you like being a para:  She likes to be around children 

What did you want to be when you were a kid: Secretary 

Do you have any kids and what are their names: One Daughter named Anita 

Where were you born: Altoona 

Favorite Subject in School: Cooking Class (FCS) 

What is your favorite author: Mitch Albom 

What is your favorite genre of books: Realistic Fiction 

What is your favorite genre of music: POP 

What is your favorite song: “My Girl” 

Favorite sports team: Penn State 

What else do you want us to know about?  She loves her job and working with Mrs. Billet!